What Richmond and the Storm can teach business

Tony Featherstone
October 4 2017
The Age

The Richmond Football Club and Melbourne Storm are more than grand final winners in their respective codes. They are also exceptional case studies from which business can learn.
Richmond orchestrated a textbook turnaround that seemed impossible a year ago. Melbourne Storm has been consistently strong for a decade – a feat beyond most large companies. Both organisations excel in leadership, culture and stakeholder connections.
Elite sporting organisations have much to teach business. The noted academic, Harvard’s Rosabeth Moss Kanter, has researched how great clubs build and maintain winning cultures – and what business can learn from high-performance sporting organisations. Her work should be mandatory reading for emerging managers.
Imagine if Australia had 16 large banks trying to smash each other every week (and how consumers would benefit). Or 16 universities that had the same salary cap and had to lift performance each year without spending more or jacking up fees.
Richmond and Melbourne Storm have much in common as case studies. Here are five things business can learn from their success (add your views by replying to this blog):
1. Continuity
Sometimes the hardest thing to do in business is nothing. When performance wanes, stakeholders demand change and weak-willed organisations lose their nerve. Boards and executive teams become revolving doors and continuity suffers.
Richmond, to its great credit, held its nerve against a rival board faction last year. The club backed a coach (Damien Hardwick) under pressure. It stood up to critics. How many large listed companies these days stand by top talent when things go wrong?
Melbourne Storm typifies continuity. A longstanding master coach in Craig Bellamy. Three great players in Cameron Smith, Cooper Cronk and Billy Slater, who have shaped the club’s culture and values. An organisation “front office” that has been remarkably stable this decade.
The lesson for emerging ventures: find your A team and lock them in. Build the venture around them and help top talent develop. Cherish continuity. Nothing stalls venture momentum more than frequent leadership changes and managers who lose their nerve.
2. Connections
Amid the Melbourne Storm celebrations, I noticed star playmaker Cooper Cronk embracing a rookie colleague. There’s nothing unusual about players hugging each other after a grand final, but the deep connection between the Storm’s old and young talent was obvious.
Connection was a key word in Richmond’s turnaround. The club reportedly worked hard in the off-season to help players better connect with each other and the coaching group. Richmond looked like a club playing for each other, its fans and history.
Too many companies are full of staff who hate each other. Connections are severed and organisation culture suffers. Does star older talent in your organisation go out of its way to mentor young people? Is there a genuine culture of staff celebrating each other’s wins?
The lesson for business: work hard to nourish connections across the organisation. The firm’s culture will never flourish if staff feel disconnected from each other.
3. Conviction
Great organisations have a cause. Richmond’s this year was to turnaround a disappointing 2016 season and break a 37-year premiership drought. The Melbourne Storm’s recurring cause is to break into an AFL-dominated market and win over a sports-mad city.
In some ways, the Storm reminds me of an unknown start-up venture fighting for every inch of its market. Yes, the Storm is almost two decades old and much better known these days. I remember the early days when the club was almost irrelevant in Melbourne.
Organisation cause goes together with continuity and connections. The same leadership team encourages greater connections across the organisation and more buy-in to the cause. They turn the cause into a story that galvanises staff and brings out their best.
What is your employer’s cause? Do you believe in it? Does the cause motivate you to work harder in your role? Do you feel good about your organisation and your role?
The lesson for emerging ventures: find a compelling narrative that extends beyond making money. Communicate it constantly to staff. Support the cause with actions, not statements, and when it does not always suit the organisation. Staff who believe in a cause perform best.
4. Community
Having watched sport for over four decades, I cannot recall an Australian club with a more passionate fan base then Richmond. (As a Manly/Hawthorn fan, that’s hard to write.) The Tiger Army set the gold standard in fan support in September. Take a bow, Richmond supporters.
The Melbourne Storm fan base also deserves great credit. I recall watching occasional Storm games at the old Olympic Park Stadium when crowds were tiny. Even then, there was a diehard core of Storm fans who backed a team with an uncertain future.
Almost 29,000 people, many wearing purple jerseys, cheered the Storm in the semi-final against the Brisbane Broncos, the largest crowd in the club’s history. I believe that was the night when the Storm emerged as one of Melbourne’s great sporting clubs – a journey almost 20 years in the making.
The resurgence in the Tiger Army and expanding Melbourne Storm fan base are no accident. Both clubs know and respect their customers. The Storm has as close a relationship with its fan base as any rugby league club.
How close is your organisation to its customers? Does it go out of its way to engage them, exceed their expectation and delight them? How much access do loyal customers have to the company? Do customers “cheer” your organisation and promote it to friends?
The lesson for new ventures: go on the journey with customers. Make them feel like they are part of something bigger than the everyday business. Granted, no company can engender the same community passion as a sporting club, but most do not even try.
5. Credibility
Richmond and Melbourne Storm possess a rare quality: authentic leadership. Their coaches are passionate, competitive and clearly excellent people managers. Both seem to be themselves in interviews and games, unlike many coaches who seem defensive or formulaic.
Hardwick’s self-awareness is a leadership lesson. He recognised he needed to change and get back to what he enjoyed after a poor 2016 season. In newspaper reports, he was honest and humble about his failings last year, showed a willingness to improve and rare openness. Hardwick’s connection with Richmond players was obvious.
Storm coach Craig Bellamy is about as real as it gets in NRL coaching. His crankiness and euphoria in the coaches’ box during games is legendary. Players want to play for him, and it is no surprise that many former Storm players refer to Bellamy as a father figure.
Nor is it a surprise that several Storm coaching assistants have gone on to bigger roles at rival clubs, and starred, with Bellamy’s blessing. It’s always a great sign when organisations have a culture of encouraging top leadership to take on higher roles elsewhere.
Does your organisation have authentic leadership? Do you believe in the CEO and want to do your best from them? Or do the organisation’s leaders seem stage managed, unable to connect with all types of staff on a personal and professional level?
The lesson for entrepreneurs: be yourself. Change when you must. Admit your failings and learn from them. Find a balance between connecting with staff and making tough decisions. Staff respond best to real leaders, not corporate robots who seem inhumane.
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