Watkins and Coke playing to new tune

Elizabeth Knight
May 13, 2014
The Age

The flushing out of Coca-Cola’s top management ranks following the appointment of its new chief executive, Alison Watkins, looks to be almost complete, paving the way for what appears to be a move back to the old days of a cosier relationship with its US parent, The Coca-Cola Company.
Under the leadership of previous chief executive Terry Davis, Coca-Cola Amatil set itself apart from others in the Coke family, in part through its greater diversity away from being just a bottler of TCCC’s carbonated products, but also its insistence that it would pursue its own agenda and be far less captive to the volume-at-any-price demands of the Atlanta-based mother ship.
For most of the 12 years Davis was in charge, the strong financial performance of the company was enough defence to ensure it could operate with minimal interference. But over the past 18 months plenty has changed. Davis has gone, as are the two most senior executives that implemented his strategy.
Earlier this year, the managing director of Australasia, Warwick White, left and the engineer of the alcoholic beverages strategy, John Murphy, found himself without a seat on Monday when the music stopped on Coca-Cola Amatil’s game
of musical reorganisation. And it’s noteworthy the new senior operative in Australia, Barry O’Connell, is a manager that has been inside the TCCC tent, having done stints with Coca-Cola Hellenic and Coke’s Russian franchise before working with CCA in New Zealand.
”Our core non-alcoholic beverages business unit will require strong leadership and close alignment with our partner The Coca Cola Company to execute against an agreed strategy which will leverage CCA’s strengths and drive transformational change,” Watkins said on Monday.
The closer alignment with TCCC is a distinct departure from the positioning taken under the Davis regime – one in which chairman David Gonski was closely aligned. It makes one wonder how much longer Gonski will choose to remain following his appointment as chairman of ANZ.
The overhaul of CCA’s management and its renewed closer relationship with TCCC is hardly all that surprising given the Australian bottler’s recent softer profit and volume performances.
It appears that it no longer has the performance protection and nor can its parent – whose own US volumes are under pressure – afford the option to allow the Australian management to have its head.
In some developed markets, sales of the brown fizzy liquid are in decline as a result of a more weight and health-conscious population. And in Australia the softer sales are being exacerbated by the increased competition from Woolworths and Coles to reduce the prices of goods sold on their shelves.
With a couple of years of underperformance under its belt, Watkins is under the pump to produce a credible strategy – the first pillar of which she is set to outline at Tuesday’s annual meeting.
Investors will be hoping to get a handle on what the company will do to arrest the decline in market share and what it forecasts to be a sustainable margin on sales. They may also get a taste of whether CCA is prepared to move its products down the price curve to better take on its competitors.
Such a strategy would play into the hands of TCCC, but on its own it will not protect the (still) fat margins that shareholders will not want to see fall any further. It is considered likely that the management will talk about cost initiatives, such as the rationalisation of its production facilities.
After peaking above $15 just 12 months ago, CCA’s share price has fallen 40 per cent, so there is no shortage of challenges for Watkins.
CLSA analyst David Thomas says CCA faces three major hurdles in its Australian beverages business. First is that it has the world’s highest price and margins (even after four profit downgrades). Second, is a shift in consumer preferences away from carbonated soft drinks, and the third is a concentrated grocery channel (i.e. dominance of Coles and Woolworths).
The move to bulk up the distribution of alcoholic drinks was a major plank in Davis’ strategy, but changes in the ownership of international brewers effectively blew a hole in this business.
Watkins will be also left to sort out what remains of the struggling SPC Ardmona – one of the previous management’s ill-conceived acquisitions.
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