Victorian Small Business Commissioner

2016 Webinar sessions
The webinars will run as a presentation for 30 minutes. Attendees are able to send in questions during this time and after the presentation there will be time allowed for a brief Q&A to respond to any questions received.
I have included below the topics, brief description, dates and times of each session and a registration link for the sessions being run from February to April 2016:
Title: Develop good business practices & avoid commercial disputes with the Victorian Small Business Commissioner
The Victorian Small Business Commissioner will present a free 30 minute webinar providing hints and tips on good business practices as well as an overview of the services provided by his Office. The webinar will touch on topics such as:
* How to resolve commercial disputes quickly and at low cost
* Unfair contract terms in business contracts – understanding what you are signing and what to look for
* Potential pitfalls for start up businesses.
* The cost of litigation to your business
Attendees are able to send in questions during the webinar which the Commissioner will address at the end of the presentation.
9 February at 12.30
9 March at 1pm
13 April at 12pm

Registration Link:

Title: Retail Leases – Your rights & responsibilities as a Tenant or Landlord
Join Mark Schramm, Senior Manager at the Office of the Victorian Small Business Commissioner for a webinar on Retail Leases.
This free webinar will focus on landlord and tenant rights, responsibilities and obligations under the Retail Leases Act 2003. Hints & tips will be provided on the main causes of retail tenancy disputes and how to prevent disputes from arising.
The role of the Commissioner’s Office in resolving retail lease disputes quickly, and at low cost, will also be discussed. The webinar will run as a 30 minute presentation. Attendees are able to send in questions during that time and will be addressed at the end of the presentation.
23 February at 1.30pm
22 March at 12.30pm
26 April at 1.30pm

Registration Link:
Title: 7 Steps to Building Winning Business Relationships with the Victorian Small Business Commissioner
A study by Deloitte commissioned by the Victorian Small Business Commissioner highlighted that a vital ingredient to success for businesses is the formation of strong, mutually beneficial business relationships.
This 30 minute webinar will discuss and explore the 7 main characteristics for building and maintaining successful business relationships including:
• What businesses need to look out for when building new relationships;
• Develop strategies for working with other businesses;
• Tips to think about before signing a new contract; and
• How to manage disputes in the event that relationships turn sour.
This session will also provide a brief overview of the role of the Victorian Small Business Commissioner in encouraging good business conduct, preventing disputes arising, and resolving disputes quickly and at low cost when they do arise. Attendees are able to send in questions during the webinar and the Commissioner will respond at the end of the presentation.
16 February at 1pm
Registration Link:
Title: Avoid problems in your franchise – hints and tips from the Victorian Small Business Commissioner
Join the Victorian Small Business Commissioner at this free 30 minute webinar providing hints and tips on how to avoid problems in your franchise. During the session attendees will be able to send in questions to the Commissioner which he will address at the end of his presentation. This session will also include an overview of the services provided by the VSBC.
5 April at 12pm
Registration Link:

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