MJ Angel
July 25, 2013
The Age
Thanks to social media, smartphones and technology, consumers are now more savvy than ever.
For many of us, more goes into our decisions to buy products than just price. We want to know if what we are buying is good for us, and how its production affects the environment and communities from which it is sourced.
Is the food we are feeding our families genetically modified? Are the beauty products we use tested on animals? Do the clothes we wear come from sweatshops, made by companies that don’t support human rights?
Thanks to a free little app that became available for iPhone and Android earlier this year, we can take the guesswork out of those questions. Buycott empowers us; it educates us and in turn educates the global consumer community in which we live.
The app has two major functions. The first allows you to use your smartphone as a scanner – simply scan a product’s barcode and the product is referenced via the Buycott database, which determines which brand it belongs to.
The app shows you which company or conglomerate owns the brand (and who owns that company, etc). The database then crosschecks the product owners against the companies and brands.
For the big brands, there is nowhere to hide, as the app can trace ownership all the way to the top of a company’s family tree, including the “big boys” like the controversial Koch Industries and contested GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) giant Monsanto, the head-line grabbing, agricultural, bio-tech juggernaut.
Boycott’s second function is the ability for the user to join or create campaigns. A Buycott campaign must have a goal and/or a list of companies that it aims to support or avoid – “Buycott or Boycott”.
You can search campaigns organised around goals you share, or create your own campaign. Some of the most popular existing campaigns are based around the demand for GMO labelling, human and civil rights, animal welfare, women’s rights and human trafficking.
The scanned item information shows you if the product you want to buy conflicts with one of your campaign commitments.
On a positive note for companies with a social conscience, the app rewards them by displaying which companies are active advocates or supporters of key social issues.
If you were to scan a bag of Starbucks coffee beans, an AVON lipstick or a bottle of Absolut Vodka you would discover that these brands support the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community and believe in equal marriage rights.
The genius in this app is it’s not just company-centric; you can join user-created campaigns to “Buycott or Boycott” business practices that support or violate your principles.
One of these campaigns is pushing for GMO labelling. By scanning your favourite breakfast bars, soft drinks or pasta sauce, you can instantly determine if it was produced by one of the 36 corporations that donated more than $150,000 to efforts opposing the mandatory labelling of genetically modified food.
While the Buycott database does not yet list every single company in the world, the app is evolving organically – it’s the users that help build it.
If a product isn’t listed, users can add unknown products they scan, contributing contact and background information for existing companies, as well as voting on accuracy of existing information.
“I don’t think it’s Buycott’s role to tell people what to buy,” app inventor Ivan Pardon, a freelance programmer from Los Angeles, says. “We simply want to provide a platform that empowers consumers to make well-informed purchasing decisions.â€
While it’s still too early to measure the impact the app has had, Pardon says, “I do know corporations are acutely aware of consumers using Buycott. In the coming months we’ll have a better idea about how companies use this consumer feedback to adjust their business practices to better match the demands of the market.â€
Buycott is an indispensable free tool that helps those of us who are conscious of our consumer habits and spending to support the causes we care about and oppose those we don’t.
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