The Seven Absolutes of Menuboard Optimization Proven Methods For Increasing Sales & Profits

Howland Blackiston, Principal of King. Casey will be a keynote speaker at the AACS Convenience Leaders Summit in Sydney in August and will also attend our Overseas Study Tour to Orlando, Florida in October. Don’t miss either of these events.

Bookings now open.

Optimized Menuboards Optimize Sales
For more than a quarter of a century, King-Casey has been helping leading QSR and Fast Casual brands improve sales and profits by dramatically improving their menuboard strategies and designs. Well-engineered and strategically sound menuboard optimization programs generate significant returns on investment. We routinely see sales increases for our clients as the result of them implementing a sound menuboard strategy and design.
The Seven Secrets of Success
King-Casey has identified seven critical strategies that collectively result in world-class menuboard optimization and design. These are the universal absolutes for achieving meaningful and measurable business results. This is the same structured, analytical approach to menuboard optimization that has increased sales, profits and average check for so many of King-Casey’s restaurant clients.
Absolute 1: “Leverage Hot Spots”
Years of research reveals that consumers tend to look at certain “zones” of the menuboard first and more frequently. These are the menuboards Hot-Spots. They should be leveraged to increase sales and speed throughput. Identify where the Hot Spots are on your menuboard (it varies based on your customer flow and order process). Are your bestselling, highest margin offerings taking advantage of the Hot Spots? Re-position menu items with this in mind to increase sales.
Absolute 2: “Location, Location, Location”
All brands track sales. But it is surprising how few use this data as a input to strategic menuboard design. After all, some of your menu items are much better sellers than others. Some contribute more to your bottom line. It’s critical to understand where your sales are coming from. This helps you decide where to position and how to prioritize items on your menuboard. It also helps identify which items should probably be eliminated altogether from the menuboard to free up space for new items or to devote more space to those items driving the business.
Absolute 3: “Real Estate By The Numbers”
Your bestselling, highest margin items should be more impactful than low selling, low margin items. This helps customers readily find these business-driver menu items, and in turn speeds throughput while increasing desirable sales. The key is the optimum allocation of menuboard real estate based on a thorough space to sales analysis.

Want to Learn About the Four Other Absolutes?
If you would like a free copy of the King-Casey Report on “The Seven Absolutes of Menuboard Optimization,” please click on the image.
Ready to Optimize Your Menuboard?
King-Casey is the pioneer and leader in menuboard optimization and design. We have worked with most of the world’s leading QSR’s and Fast-Casual brands. Perhaps more than any other firm, we have the experience, know-how and best-practice database for optimizing your menuboards. We know what works, what doesn’t, and why.

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