Lucy Marrett
May 16, 2017
C&I Magazine
Mr Lobina will soon focus on the launch of Superior Sales Consulting.
Field Sales & Merchandising industry icon Mr Bruno Maurel, Executive Chairman of Creative Activation Network, is delighted to announce that Superior Sales Force (SSF) is now part of the Creative Activation Group.
This move will enable the future growth of SSF, built on years of history, know-how and frameworks established as the lead field sales service partner in Route and Petrol & Convenience.
Mr Maurel said “I am delighted to extend the legacy of the SSF brand as being the go-to company in Route and Petrol & Convenience for field sales services. This addition to our network complements our existing leading capabilities in grocery, mass, consumer electronics and hardware channels”
Superior Sales Force (SSF) CEO Mr Jamie Lobina recently met Mr Maurel and they quickly realised the opportunity of integrating the SSF brand under the umbrella of the leading Creative Activation network.
After the transition Mr Lobina will focus on the launch of Superior Sales Consulting which offers advice on strategy, design, capabilities and development of both in-house teams and third party field sales teams.
Superior Sales Force will now operate as a standalone business unit under the leadership of the Creative Activation Network Group Managing Director Gerard Feehan.
“Forming this agreement has been an absolute pleasure. I’m impressed by Jamie’s passion and how he has built his business. I am committed to continuing the SSF legacy. I have no doubt we will continue to work together for mutual success with our first priority to exceed our partner’s expectations,” Mr Feehan said.
Superior Sales Force is now more Creative, and it is business as usual.
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