Smoke 'em if you've got 'em

Kate Jones
May 4, 2015
The Age

Electronic cigarettes – new age cancer sticks or legit nicotine replacement devices?
The jury’s out. But one thing’s for sure, there’s money to be made in this niche industry.
In Britain, the e-cigarette industry is forecast to be worth $23 billion by 2023.
In the United States, where the market has hit the $1.5 billion mark, sales are set to increase almost 25 per cent annually until 2018.
Yet, Australian businesses hoping to light up the local market may miss out. Laws across Australia are irregular at best and downright confusing at worst.
In NSW and Victoria, it is legal to sell e-cigarettes that do not contain nicotine. However, Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland ban the sale of products designed to resemble tobacco products.
E-cigarettes have not been evaluated for quality or safety by the Therapeutic Goods Administration, which has not registered any e-cigarettes.
The TGA website states: “The Australian government is concerned about the use of electronic cigarettes in Australia. The impact of wide scale use of these devices on tobacco use is not known, and the outcome in the community could be harmful.”
Despite the legal inconsistencies, small business owners are cashing in on the e-cigarette or “vaping” market by exploiting a loophole.
While it’s illegal to sell or supply nicotine, there is no law prohibiting the importation of non-nicotine e-cigarettes that do not make therapeutic claims.
Health organisations such as the Cancer Council have lobbied for a tightening of these loopholes regarding the importation of e-cigarettes, citing unproven medical risks and the glamorous appeal to younger users.
Closing loopholes would endanger owners of online e-cigarette stores such as Melbourne’s Paul McNamara, who makes a good living from the sale of e-cigarette devices.
McNamara, who runs Vaphilia, says the state of Australia’s laws severely limits e-cigarette sellers.
“It does make it hard for me, because you have to tell people that you can’t sell nicotine. Customers have to buy their own nicotine,” he says.
“If the government and public health got out of the way, it would be a bigger market here.”
While not as big as markets overseas, the e-cigarette industry in Australia is becoming more competitive. Dozens of new devices, predominantly made in Asia, come onto the market each week. They promise everything from “enhanced airflow” to “a sexy smooth drip tip” and cost between $45 and $75 for starter kits.
McNamara says there’s an increasing number of online stores to match a surging number of “vapers”.
This is reflected in the 18 months that McNamara has been selling e-cigarettes online, in which time he has recorded a whopping 400 per cent increase in turnover.
Last year, West Australian businessman Vince van Heerden became the first person found guilty for selling e-cigarettes in Australia. Van Heerden, who was operating online store HeavenlyVapours, was prosecuted under the state’s Tobacco Products Control Act for selling a device designed to look like a cigarette.
He was acquitted in 2013, but the charges were upheld on appeal by the state’s Health Department in 2014.
Van Heerden is running an online fundraising campaign to launch an appeal in a higher court. So far, he has more than $93,000 in public donations.
Van Heerden, who describes e-cigarettes as “tobacco harm reduction devices”, says he’s not only fighting for his business, but for consumer choice.
“At the end of the day, we live in a democratic society where we have the right to make informed decisions,” he says.
“Instead, we have this nanny state attitude. It’s a really big blow to small business because it could have been a billion-dollar industry saving lives.”
Australian Retailers Association executive director Russell Zimmerman says anyone considering entering the market – as a business owner or consumer – should research the laws involved.
“The first piece of advice is to check the state laws,” he says.
“The Australian Retailers Association always supports a healthy lifestyle and if these cigarettes do as they say they do in assisting in reducing dependence on traditional tobacco products, the ARA would be supportive of good controls to support people having a healthy lifestyle.”

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