Retailers fight back

Michael Baker
April 3, 2013
The Age

A lot of retailers are sick to death of hearing about how empowered consumers have become with smart phone and tablet apps that give them instant access to product pricing and performance information.

Many retailers, particularly in categories such as consumer electronics and other non-differentiated products, have been caught particularly flat-footed by “showrooming”.

This is the now well-established consumer habit of shopping in a physical store but checking competitors’ prices, usually with a smart phone or tablet app, before making a purchase. Dozens of such apps are now on the market, with Amazon’s Price Check and, in Australia, Getprice, among the best known.

Armed with competitive price intelligence, the customer can make an informed decision about whether to buy in the store or make the purchase elsewhere.

Retailers are now resigned to the fact showrooming is here to stay and have been busy figuring out ways of fighting back. One of the most promising is to use the very same competitive pricing intelligence shoppers have been using against them.

Of course retailers can go the low-tech route and simply match a competitor’s price on an item when the customer shows them the evidence. Or they can empower sales people to negotiate a price with shoppers on the fly when it looks like the sticker price might not cut it. But now there may be a much better way.

What if the retailer had access to comprehensive intelligence about competitors’ prices in real time – or even close to it – and could make strategic pricing decisions on each product before the doors even opened for business each day?

Such technologies are now coming on the market. Since many are cloud-based, they require no complex setup or software installation. A key advantage of these new technologies is that the comprehensive pricing information on a product-by-product basis enables a retailer to make strategic pricing decisions, rather than just hacking all prices to the bone to defend against showrooming. Price adjustments can be fine-tuned up or down – for example, if a retailer finds its price for a particular item is 10 per cent below the competition it can adjust upward, say by five per cent, to capture a higher sales value without surrendering its overall price advantage.

An example of this kind of technology is 360price, developed by a Canadian company called 360pi, which originally started out four years ago as a deal-finding site. The technology turned out to be adaptable to comparison shopping and is now gaining traction among larger retailers.

360price uses a combination of “data crawlers” – technology that crawls web sites for information – and artificial intelligence to extract information from retailer web sites about price and availability for millions of “stock-keeping units”, or SKUs, the retailing term for unique items. The information is then made available to the subscriber via a web portal on a daily basis.

The technology revolution has had its positives and negatives for retailers. Opening up new sales channels and making possible customised, one-on-one marketing are positives. Showrooming has been perceived as a negative until now, something to defend. With the newest pricing intelligence technologies retailers may now be able to be on the front foot for a change.

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