COVID-19 has really heightened the emphasis on infection control standards across all industries, especially retail. Learn the essential skills and knowledge to decrease the risk of infection of dangerous diseases and contaminants, such as COVID-19, while performing your daily duties, with the Infection Control Skill Set.
This Skill Set has been contextualised to apply specifically to the retail environment. The Skill Set comprises of the unit HLTINFCOV001 – Comply with Infection Prevention and Control Policies and Procedures.
This course is conducted online through our eLearn platform. No need to set specific time aside to gain this training – simply log into our 24/7 access eLearn platform when you have time and work through course.
Face-to-face delivery of this course can also be arranged by simply contacting our training team.
$150 per person (no GST applicable)
10% discount available for members through the NRA members portal
This skill set is aimed at anyone working in a customer-facing role, as it is imperative for all staff to be well aware of the best practices in preventing the spread of infection and disease in the workplace.
The recommended time commitment for this skill set is 3 hours.

We are partnering with the NRA Retail Institute, a nationally Registered Training Organisation (RTO Code 0712) that delivers training throughout Australia, including all states and regional areas.