December 13, 2012
SHORTER trading hours and tighter pricing controls would go some way to tackling alcohol abuse in NSW, a newly-formed action group says.
There will be more than 300 alcohol-related deaths in NSW over the summer, according to the Bureau of Crime Statistics, while more than 12,000 hospitalisations and 7,800 assaults will be attributable to binge drinking.
To combat the problem, the NSW ACT Alcohol Policy Alliance (NAAPA) is urging Premier Barry O’Farrell to introduce policy reform to prevent and reduce acute and chronic alcohol-related harms.
NAAPA – a coalition of groups including the Australian Medical Association (NSW), Police Association of New South Wales, and the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) – on Thursday launched an online campaign to highlight the summer alcohol dangers.
FARE chief executive Michael Thorn says while it appears inevitable NSW will suffer a heavy summer alcohol toll, there are effective measures that can be taken to reduce the harm.
“A reduction in trading hours is an important first step to address alcohol availability,” Mr Thorn said.
“NAAPA will also lobby for tighter controls on pricing and promotion as well as greater community engagement so that members of the public may play a greater role in the assessment of liquor licences that impact on their towns and suburbs.”
AMA NSW Associate Professor Brian Owler said NSW residents are becoming increasingly concerned about the level of alcohol abuse they witness in their communities.
“We believe it is critical that the NSW government understands the extent and devastating impact of alcohol harms across the state, and adopts effective measures that could go a long way to reducing it,” Prof Owler said.
“In NAAPA, NSW now has a formidable alliance, advocating for proven alcohol-policy reform and determined to be heard.”
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