June 7, 2016
The country wants 100% of Norwegian cars to run on green energy within a decade.
​OLSO, Norway – Norway is moving to ban the sale of all fossil fuel cars by 2025, The Independent reports. Politicians recently reached an agreement to have all Norwegian cars using green energy within a decade. Ironically, a large amount of Norway’s budget comes from the country’s petroleum industry. The announcement comes on the heels of a report that Norway will be the first nation to promise to practice zero deforestation.
However, some reports say that the move has yet to be confirmed completely. The Democratic and Liberal parties have agreed to ban gasoline-powered vehicles but the Framstegspartiet, or Progress Party, has yet to sign off on the change. The proposal is even more aspiring than the Labour Party’s measure to ban the sale of petrol or diesel cars by 2030. The four parties rule Norway together through a proportional representation system.
Elon Musk, CEO of Telsa Motors, applauded Norway’s proclamation, writing on Twitter: “Just heard that Norway will ban new sales of fuel cars in 2025. What an amazingly awesome country. You guys rock!!”
Meanwhile, Germany has partnered with BMW, Daimler and Volkswagen to urge consumers to buy more electric vehicles and hybrids through incentives. Over in Japan, the country now has more electric car charging stations than traditional gasoline stations.

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