press releases

The Importance of an efficient Supply Chain

16 January 2012

Erika Pacini AACS Research January 2012 An efficient supply chain is not only an asset to any business, but critical…

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Strategic Collaboration

16 January 2012

Jeff Rogut 16th January 2012 In last week’s newsletter I wrote about some of the key elements of retail ie…

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The November ABS Retail data

11 January 2012

The November ABS Retail data were released on Monday November 9th. The results show the flat sales trend continuing overall.…

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04 January 2012

MEDIA RELEASE December 2011 As convenience stores around the country gear up for their busiest trading period of the year,…

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2012 AACS Convenience Simulation program

02 January 2012

Forthcoming events: It was also highlighted that some of the key future success factors for the industry hinge upon: 2012…

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20 December 2011

MEDIA RELEASE December 20TH 2011 As convenience stores around the country gear up for their busiest trading period of the…

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Generation Z

07 December 2011

Generation Z: A generation who value convenience At the recent Shopper Insights in Action conference it was revealed that in…

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Woolies chief says retail conditions worst he has seen

29 November 2011

by: Jeff Whalley From: Herald Sun Source: Herald Sun   WOOLWORTHS chief Grant O’Brien has declared the weak conditions buffeting…

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Private-label blitz looms

23 November 2011

Eli Greenblat November 23, 2011 The Age AUSTRALIA’S leading supermarket chains, Coles and Woolworths, have lodged hundreds of trademark applications…

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Plain cigarette packaging to start in 2012

21 November 2011

From: AAP November 21, 2011 2:14PM WORLD-first laws requiring cigarettes to be sold in plain packets have passed their final…

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Return of the old-fashioned milkman service

09 November 2011

From: The Courier-Mail November 07, 2011 8:06AM Chief executive Braeden Lord said the company’s network of franchisees was growing every…

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Convenience 2020 research report

09 November 2011

AACS commissioned The Australian Centre for Retail Studies at Monash University to complete a research project into the future direction…

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