Nathan, Daniel and Paige Bloomfield work Domino’s Pizza Mogul scheme

AUGUST 13, 2014

What is Pizza Mogul?
THREE Gen-Y Queenslanders have found the perfect way to earn up to $1100 a week without having to leave the couch or their smartphone.
Nathan Bloomfield, 24, his brother Daniel, 28, and sister-in-law Paige have made over $7000 and 23 types of pizzas since signing up to Pizza Mogul six weeks ago. It is part of a Domino’s Pizza initiative where customers control the menu and sell it themselves on social media.
Domino’s Pizza founder Don Meij said the top mogul last week earned $5000, a few others earned $2000, while the highest weekly takings a customer menu had earned so far was $8000.
“It’s people-power pizza, the power of social. We give them the money we would normally pay on advertising to try and create a market,” he said.
Nathan Bloomfield (left) with brother, Daniel, and and sistet-in-law, Paige, have generated $1100 a week via the Domino’s Pizza Mogul scheme. Picture: David Martinelli
Domino’s wins by having their nearest outlet produce and deliver the food, with the mogul earning between 25 cents and $3.25 per pizza, depending on how many toppings the creations needed.
“It’s absolutely exploded,” Nathan Bloomfield said. “We did it for fun.
“Once we came up with the menu combinations, there wasn’t much to do except videos and social media. We got a few friends inviting friends to check it out and saw our Facebook page jump from 120 people to nearly 800 people. It’s got a life of its own.”
Kohler uncovers: Dominos
One of the trio’s videos has caught Mr Meij’s eye. He wants it to lead Domino’s advertising campaigns from next week.

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