Minor refinements to the Container Deposit Scheme

In July 2017, the Department finalised an amendment to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development) 2008 (State Policy) to allow minor and low impact container recycling equipment for bottles and cans as exempt development (without the need for a planning or building approval) and to allow recycling facilities to be carried out under the fast tracked complying development approval pathway.

Minor refinements to the State Policy have been made on 24 November 2017 for container recycling facilities in carparks as exempt development. 

Further information on this amendment to the State Policy is available on our website and the changes can be viewed here.

This amendment supports the NSW Government’s plans to reduce litter in NSW by 40 per cent by 2020. Under the Container Deposit Scheme, from 1 December 2017 anyone can return empty eligible drink containers such as bottles or cans, to an approved NSW collection point for a 10-cent refund.

More information

Best regards

Elizabeth Kinkade
Executive Director, Planning Policy

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