Media Release: Wednesday 18 February 2016

Stock Box and FOCiSTM join forces for School Canteens
Stock Box has announced today that it has become the exclusive product sampling service for Federation of Canteens in Schools Inc (FOCiSTM) in 2016.
The partnership will provide companies whose products are registered under the FOCiSTM Food Registration Program with the opportunity to promote approved canteen products to registered canteen members of the Stock Box program under an exclusive arrangement.
“This is a significant step forward for our program, and is the first commercial arrangement we have entered into since our inception” said Stock Box MD Craig Matthews. “We now have the ability to promote FOCiSTM registered products and provide registered FOCiSTM companies with direct access to canteens via the Stock Box product sample box.” Mr Matthews went on to say.
Stock Box is the first B2B service of its kind working not only with retailers and suppliers to create a greater awareness of product choice in the market, but now working with industry bodies such as FOCiSTM to provide another layer to these programs that assists product partners in getting to their target market in a faster, more efficient and cost effective manner.
FOCiS promotes and facilitates the provision of nutritious and healthy food services in schools and the broader community. According to Megan Neeson, FOCiSTM Vice Chairperson, partnering with the food industry to provide appropriate products direct to schools, is a unique and much desired service.
The first product box to go out will showcase Winter canteen approved products to all registered canteen members nationally at the start of term two, followed by a Summer product box scheduled to go out at the start of term four.
Canteens can register to the program for free by following the links on both the Stock Box and FOCiS web pages, and suppliers can also express interest now by following the supplier links or by making direct contact below.
For any enquiries regarding STOCK BOX, contact:
Craig Matthews
0407 467 670
For Media enquiries regarding FOCiS, contact:
Megan Neeson
(08) 9264 4999
For all other general FOCiS enquiries, contact:

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