McDonalds introduces chocolate fries in Japan

JANUARY 20, 2016

MCDONALDS are now launching CHOCOLATE covered French fries but is it the best idea ever or should they just stick with salt?
The Sun reports that the McChocolate Potatoes, as they’re officially known, will be available in two flavours, normal and white and will go on sale January 26.
This is the first time the fast food chain have blurred the lines between sweet and savoury and they aren’t doing it by half measures.
But unfortunately, for those of you with a sweet tooth, the unconventional chips will only be on sale in Japanese McDonald’s chains.
In Japan burger joints don’t face a backlash when they introduce high calorie foods into their restaurants.
This is because in Japanese society the individual is responsible for their own calorie intake, so it’s down to customers to decide on how unhealthy their meals are.
The new addition to the menu will cost about 330 yen, which is about $4.10, but if you’re planning on testing the tasty new chip, you had better be quick.
Sadly, the McChocolate Potatoes, will only be available for a limited time, stores are scheduled to stop selling them mid-February.

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