Ley defends insurance proposal for smokers

NOVEMBER 09, 2015

HEALTH Minister Sussan Ley has hit back at claims she’s “in the pocket” of private health insurers after floating a proposal to charge smokers higher premiums.
THE idea has been put to consumers in an online survey, which will inform the federal government’s promised shake-up of the private health insurance system.
It’s also asking consumers whether they think different premiums should be charged based on age, gender and factors such as obesity.
Australian Medical Association president Brian Owler attacked the idea, accusing Ms Ley of “taking up the call” of private health insurers to help their bottom lines, and describing the survey as an “incredible waste of money”.
He warned that charging different premiums for smokers and non-smokers was the first step toward a US or UK-style health system where insurers can choose who they want to insure and dictate what treatment they get.
Ms Ley disputed the claim, saying doctors were getting as much say as insurers in the debate.
She also rejected suggestions the survey was a waste of money, insisting she was prepared to broach sensitive topics to get better value for money for consumers.
The option of charging smokers more for insurance is under consideration but would only apply to younger generations, because older Australians weren’t aware of the health risks when they took up the habit.

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