Dear Mr Rogut,
As an industry or stakeholder association, could you please publicise or circulate the links to our licence survey and Issues Paper amongst your members and other stakeholders (eg, via your regular newsletter, meetings, or on your website).
It is important that we get input from you and your members/stakeholders so that we can identify licence reform priorities to reduce red tape (ie, unnessary costs) in NSW.
The NSW Government has asked IPART to review licences in NSW and identify those where reform would produce the greatest reduction in costs to business and the community. There are currently about 1,000 different types of licences in NSW. They cover every aspect of the economy – including trades & professions, transport & motor vehicles, environmental protection, health, education, liquor, gaming and recreational activities, to name just some areas.
To help us identify licence reform priorities, we urge all licence holders (or all licence types) to complete our short online survey. The link to the survey is:
Where possible, we also encourage all licence holders and other stakeholders to make a submission in response to our Issues Paper. A short Fact Sheet summarising the Issues Paper is attached to this email. The full Issues Paper is available at :
In particular, we are seeking information on licences that are unnecessary, have excessive requirements or are poorly administered. Feedback from your organisation and your members/stakeholders will ensure that our recommendations achieve the best possible outcomes.
If you have any questions about the licence survey or Issues Paper, please email us at or call 02 9113 7769.
Click Here to read the fact sheet
Thank you, and kind regards,
Matthew Edgerton
Program Manager, Regulation Review
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