Inquiry To Crack Down On Petrol Drive-Offs

Media Release
06 May 2015
Petrol thieves who fill up then flee will be the focus of a parliamentary inquiry to crack down on service station drive-offs.
The Andrews Labor Government has asked the Law Reform, Road and Community Safety Committee to examine how to reduce the incidence of petrol drive-offs and to find ways for service station operators to recover their losses.
The inquiry into petrol drive-offs was set up in response to community concerns and fears service station operators – many of whom are small business owners – were losing their hard-earned money to forgetful drivers and thieves.
The committee will investigate:

  • The extent of the problem and its cost to the industry.
  • How other jurisdictions here and overseas prevent fuel drive-offs – including regulations, education and technology such as CCTV or a system of prepayment or registration.
  • Possible links between petrol drive-offs and crime such as car and number-plate theft.
  • Existing and potential civil and criminal remedies.

The inquiry will invite contributions from stakeholders, petrol station owners and operators, and members of the public.
It will report back to Parliament before 7 December this year.
Quotes attributable to the Minister for Police, Wade Noonan
“This parliamentary inquiry demonstrates how seriously the Andrews Labor Government is taking this issue.’’
“Drivers who fill up then flee are potentially breaking the law and hurting small businesses.’’
“We want to know the best ways to reduce petrol drive-offs, and this inquiry will help us do that.’’
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