Illicit tobacco a concern for honest retailers

Jeff Rogut

The article from Alan Howe again highlights what retailers have been saying since the introduction of tobacco plain packaging – the only people that will benefit will be the criminals importing and selling illicit tobacco packs.

This was our position prior to the introduction and it has been strengthened by artilces in the public arena confirming industry fears.

And what will the government do? More lip service to honest retailers, the majority small =businesses who are seeing their livelihoods from selling a legal product eroded? Will the government review its flawed policy of tax increases every year for 4 years from this year which only encourages illicit tobacco sales? Will we see the new Small Business Minister actually talking to retailers and those who represent them to develop real solutions rather than just spin?

I will keep you updated on any progress and welcome your feedback on issues you have with illicit tobacco or indeed positive action by police in stamping this out in your areas.


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