What is coronavirus, how deadly is it and what can you do to protect yourself? | All your questions answered
The australian
It’s official: the spread of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19 as the World Health Organisation has named it, is a pandemic. But what is this virus, how deadly is it, and what can you do to protect yourself?
How is coronavirus transmitted?
COVID-19 is caused by a virus known as SARS CoV-2. We already have a number of other coronaviruses that circulate in the community and most of them cause common colds. Most of the available evidence indicates that coronavirus is spread via droplets, so if an infected person coughs or sneezes, and their secretions fall on you, you may be infected too. But the most common way of becoming infected is from touching contaminated surfaces. If an infected person coughs or sneezes into their hand, then touches a hard surface such as a doorknob or railing, and you touch that surface, you could also be infected. Some experts believe the virus may also be airborne, but the wider consensus is that it’s droplet-spread. That’s why it’s so important to wash your hands often, and try to avoid touching your face, because your hands can transmit the virus into orifices such as your nose, mouth or eyes.

Figures are flying when it comes to the coronavirus mortality rate, so here are some simple facts.

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