How Amazon works – and why Aussie retailers are at risk of getting crushed

John McDuling
April 12, 2017

John Donahoe knows what waging war with Amazon feels like. 

The chief executive of US enterprise cloud giant ServiceNow ran eBay, the pioneering online auction site, between 2008 and 2015. During that period, Amazon transformed itself from being merely an online bookseller into a fully fledged e-commerce titan – encroaching on what was once considered eBay’s turf.

Yet Donahoe’s message to Australian executives as they brace for the seemingly inevitable arrival of Jeff Bezos’ $US400 billion ($534 billion) gorilla is relatively sanguine: stay calm, the sky won’t fall in.

“What I used to say at eBay is that these are huge markets … and there’s room for multiple winners,” he tells AFR Weekend. “Retail is an enormous market … it’s also very fragmented around the world, and it’s going to be a long time before that changes.”

Retail CEOs could be forgiven for taking Donahoe’s advice with a grain of salt, because there’s plenty of evidence to suggest Amazon’s arrival in Australia will be seismic.

But before going into battle it’s important to size up your enemy. So companies bracing themselves for the Amazon assault need to know what makes the retail behemoth so hard to beat.

Over the past year, there has been a constant, creeping flow of news to suggest Amazon will soon officially arrive in Australia with the complete e-commerce offering for which it is best known in the US.

The company has taken out 250 trademarks, covering 30 classes of goods and services in Australia, the Financial Review revealed.

A former executive and consultant to the company, Brittain Ladd, claimed in mid-2016 that “Amazon will be in Australia” and again last month, that the company would be “fully operational” – selling groceries, electronics, fashion, you name it – by mid 2018.  Amazon has distanced itself from the comments and Mr Ladd.  The company declined to outline any plans for Australia to the Financial Review, saying it “does not comment on media speculation around this issue”.

Still, a string of investment bank analysts have said they expect Amazon to land in Australia soon. And a succession of Australian retail executives, such as Wesfarmers CEO Richard Goyder, have said they are ready for it. Harvey Norman boss Gerry Harvey has described Amazon as “parasites” and said the retailer should be barred from entering Australia. 

The defensive nature of these comments tells you everything you need to know about how local retail CEOs are coping with the prospect of dealing with Amazon.

Make no mistake about it. Australia’s retail sector, historically shielded by geography and market structure, has never faced a threat like this before. The question is how they will respond.

“Winter is coming,” says Rob Luciano, a portfolio manager at VGI Partners who has tipped Amazon to become the world’s first trillion-dollar company. “These guys have no idea what is going to hit them.

“Some of them are prepared but the reality is, you can’t compete with Amazon, which is a full solution. They want to be the one-stop shop for everything, the marketplace for everything.” 

The Amazon Effect 

It’s easy to understand why people are nervous about the company.

“Amazon is the biggest monster of them all,” Ben Thompson, a widely followed tech analyst who writes the Stratechery newsletter, said in a recent podcast. “Amazon’s goal is to basically take a skim off of all economic activity.” 

Consider the list of scalps it can claim in US retail. In bookselling, the product line upon which its sprawling empire was founded, there’s Borders, once that country’s second biggest chain, which no longer exists. The biggest chain, Barnes and Noble, could be described as being on life support.

In electronics, RadioShack, long considered America’s pre-eminent electronics store, has fallen into bankruptcy, twice. In clothing and apparel, storied names such as JC Penney, Macy’s and Sears have all buckled, to varying degrees under, the weight of the Amazon effect. 

How Amazon works

So what is it that makes Amazon such a formidable competitor?

Amazon has a few unfair advantages that most companies do not enjoy. A business model that prioritises low prices and loyalty. A CEO who is playing an extremely long game, willing to forgo short-term profits for long-term dominance. And an incredibly tolerant shareholder base willing to back him to the hilt.

“Jeff Bezos is easily a six sigma event,” says Amazon holder Luciano, in other words, here is an extremely rare talent. “I’d put him on a par with Warren Buffett in terms of uniqueness. He is not a politician on a 24-hour news cycle or a CEO on a quarterly earnings cycle. He is taking an intergenerational approach. This is a very, very different approach and the only approach that could be comparable would be that of perhaps Berkshire Hathaway.” 

This might sound like an interesting thing to say – Buffett is the ultimate financial traditionalist, and Bezos is quite different – but the more you understand Amazon, the more it makes sense. 

Most famously, Bezos explicitly does not prioritise profit or even profit margins.

Most quarters in its history, Amazon has posted surging revenue growth, but relatively meagre profits. Yet the company has little debt, is in a net cash position, and has not raised equity from its shareholders since its $300 million stockmarket listing in 1997. 

It makes money, just not in the way we’re used to.

Bezos prefers to maximise free cash flow (absolute dollar-free cash flow per share to be precise) rather than net income, which most companies target.

Without getting too deep into the accounting weeds, what this allows him to do is self-finance Amazon’s ongoing growth. Bezos uses the cash generated by Amazon’s retail operations to sink huge sums into its infrastructure and logistics. This helps ensure products get to consumers as quickly and cheaply as possible (and by extension, the positive experience encourages users to buy more and more stuff).

Almost everything Amazon does is built and designed to get you to buy more stuff. 

Its Prime subscription service (for which it has amassed at least 66 million subscribers globally) costs $US100 per year for faster deliveries, with access to a Netflix-style streaming video service and other perks thrown in for free. When you log in, it serves up recommendations at you for things you are likely to want to buy. And that’s what happens – Prime subscribers spend twice as much as non subscribers do.

Most recently, the company has developed Alexa, an artificial intelligence powered concierge which works on its Echo speaker device, through which, helpfully, millions of products can be ordered.

All of this comes as its business is shifting in another subtle way. Originally Amazon was an e-commerce retailer, where it would buy goods from wholesalers and sell them at a (tiny) margin. Now it is actually being paid to hold stock.  About half of its revenue comes from third-party merchants who effectively pay Amazon to store, and deliver its goods. 

“Amazon started as a traditional retailer where they buy a bunch of crap and sell it to you,” said Stratechery’s Thompson. “Now Amazon is shifting over time where they are just a platform.Basically what happens is third-party merchants pay Amazon to hold stuff in Amazon’s warehouse. So Amazon is not even paying inventory cost.”

Amazon and Australia are a match made in heaven

In some ways, the real surprise is not that Amazon is likely coming to Australia. Instead, it’s that it is taking so long for them to get here.

Australians are some of the world’s most enthusiastic online shoppers. We are a wealthy nation, with high disposable incomes. And our retailers historically have enjoyed some of the world’s fattest profit margins – something Amazon finds irresistible. As arguably the most famous Bezosim goes: “your margin is my opportunity”. 

It is also clear that international expansion is a priority for the company. Last month, the company spent $US650 million to acquire Souq, a Dubai-based e-commerce operator, giving it a foothold in the Middle East. Last year it announced plans to invest $3 billion in India, where it is waging a fierce battle against Flipkart.

The good news for local retail CEOs is that when Amazon has entered new markets, it takes time for it to affect things. As Credit Suisse analysts pointed out, the company launched in Canada in 2010 (possibly the most comparable market on the planet to Australia), and “there has not been significant disruption in Canada yet”. 

Similarly, it launched consumer electronics sales in the UK in 2001 and it took three years for it to build sizeable market share there.

The bad news is, Australia might actually be different. That’s because Amazon is more comfortable with international expansion now and, online shopping is already mainstream (this was not the case when it entered other markets).

It might only take Amazon 12 months to reach a critical mass of third-party sellers on its MarketPlace, Credit Suisse claims. Five years from entry, Amazon would be likely to have reached a better than 5 per cent market share in many categories, it said. For comparison, UBS estimates that Harvey Norman currently has 15 per cent of the consumer electronics market and 24 per cent of home appliances. 

“Almost anything that can be put in a small box is likely to be vulnerable to Amazon,” the investment bank’s analysts wrote. “Products that are easily substitutable or have widespread availability have been challenged.”

The rise of MarketPlace means that framing Amazon a killer of everything might be a misconception. For retailers with the ability to source products globally at competitive prices, it might even make sense to use Amazon’s distribution capability. But for retailers without globally competitive sourcing, it is going to be a struggle. 

Citi analyst Craig Woolford has estimated that Amazon could quickly generate $4 billion a year in sales in Australia. Harvey Norman, JB Hi-Fi, Myer and Super Retail could also suffer from steep, double-digit earnings declines, he says. 

There are corners of the economy that could prove resilient to Amazon’s clutches.

Bulky items that can’t be easily returned, or require installation, such as appliances (or even mobile phones) haven’t tended to be successful on Amazon, Credit Suisse notes. Heavily regulated products, such as pharmaceuticals, or high-end consumer products with strong brands have also managed to avoid the Amazon effect.

How to fight back

Yet Amazon’s tentacles are still stretching into most corners of the economy.

The biggest and best example of this its juggernaut Amazon Web Services business, which accounts for a large chunk of its profits and is becoming the backbone of the internet. (Yes, despite Bezos’ apparent disdain for profits, Amazon decided to generate them last year. About 76 per cent of its operating profits in 2016, or $US3.1 billion, came from AWS).

AWS provides web hosting and back-end infrastructure for many companies (most famously Netflix) but also closer to home the likes of Westpac Banking Corp and even Fairfax Media, publisher of AFR Weekend. 

So competitive on pricing is AWS that it is underpinning the latest boom in start-ups here and globally and giving Amazon a relationship with the next generation of disruptive businesses.  It is much cheaper for smaller firms with less capital to compete on the world stage when the costly infrastructure required to do this can be accessed for monthly fees instead of sizeable upfront outlay.

Even Atlassian, the $8 billion-valued Australian-born tech darling, has been migrating its infrastructure on to AWS.

“If you look at how Amazon runs their online store and how iterative it is and how personalised it is compared to what was around in e-commerce stores 10 years ago, that’s just going to happen in every industry,” says Atlassian CEO Scott Farquhar. 

Farquhar points out that by outsourcing back-end infrastructure to AWS, Atlassian can redirect resources from managing data centres, monitoring air conditioning and power levels, and low-level networking to higher-value adding tasks, like serving customers. 

Which in a way, points to the path forward for anyone trying to compete with the firm. Focus on what you do best, and do it even better.

If Amazon wants a piece of everything in commerce, then competing with it in some form may be unavoidable. But Netflix seems to doing OK, despite being challenged by Amazon in streaming TV, and despite being an AWS client.

As ServiceNow’s Donahoe puts it: “Spend less time focusing on the other guy, and more time focusing on your customers, innovation and the opportunity,” he says.

“It’s like every other business, when you have good competition and good people [competing with you] you’ve got to get better. 

“As long as people respond by providing better value to customers and innovating, they will be OK. Retail is not a winner-takes-all business.”

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