What is the inquiry about?
The inquiry by The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport will investigate the risks and benefits of vaping, and determine how e-cigarettes and personal vaporisers should be marketed and regulated in Australia.
What does this mean for retailers?
As current regulations stand, retailers are missing out due to consumers seeking alternative solutions to smoking through unregulated channels, which not only creates a potential safety issue for consumers but also risks the reputation of the category. The inquiry could allow Australian retailers the opportunity to legally supply alternative vaping solutions. Why the inquiry needs you. The inquiry needs to hear your feedback so retailers may be granted the opportunity to diversify their business, tap into customer needs and cater for consumer preferences. Other markets around the world including US, UK-EU, Canada and New Zealand have already legalised or are in the process of legalising nicotine containing e-cigarettes and vaporisers, forcing the Australian government to review the evolving market.
What can you do?
This inquiry is a major step towards legalising e-cigarettes and vaporisers. The committee NEEDS to know that there is strong support from the public. Make sure you get your say at the Parliamentary Inquiry by clicking the link below or going to: www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/OnlineSubmission
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