Australia’s GP crisis would worsen if the Federal Government continued to pursue its failed prescription-only model for access to nicotine vapes, data from a Roy Morgan study has revealed.
The study found 1.2 million Australian adults use vapes.
Under Australian law, nicotine vapes can only be purchased legally with a prescription from a General Practitioner (GP).
However, the study found just 277 Australian GPs are signed up to prescribe the smoking cessation product.
The Australian Association of Convenience Stores (AACS) commissioned the report.
AACS CEO Theo Foukkare said the data proved the Federal Government’s prescription-only model would place even more pressure on the already crippled GP sector if it continued.
“While the rest of the world recognises that nicotine vapes are a proven quit smoking aid, Australia’s overnment continues to make it almost impossible for quitting smokers to access them legally,” he said.
“How on earth are just 277 GPs meant to support 1.2 million adult vapers?
“GPs are already swamped with huge numbers of patients, and we keep hearing from people who can’t get a timely appointment for serious health concerns.
“Yet we’ve got a government model that is forcing an extra 1.2 million people to regularly see a GP just to get a prescription for something that should be as easy to purchase as nicotine gum or patches.”
Mr Foukkare said the problem existed in all states and territories.
“Almost half a million adults in New South Wales vape, but there are less than 100 GPs registered to prescribe nicotine vapes.
“WA has 118,000 adult vapers and just 32 prescribing doctors and in the NT there’s just one prescribing doctor for 9,000 adult vapers,” he said.
Mr Foukkare said the Federal Government’s prescription-only model continued to drive otherwise law-abiding Australians to the illicit black market.
He reiterated AACS’ calls for the sale of nicotine vapes to be sold behind the counter by licensed, responsible retailers.
“We want strict laws that ensure only made-to-code nicotine vapes are available for purchase by adults from behind the counter.
“Advertising would be banned – with mandatory ID checks, ingredients labels and bans on ridiculous flavours that appeal to children.
“It’s time for Australia to follow the lead of New Zealand, the UK, Canada and the US and regulate and restrict nicotine vapes sales to adults.
‘Our GPs have been telling us loud and clear they’re overwhelmed by huge patient numbers.
“Removing the prescription only model will free up more than four million GP appointments across the nation, every year because adult vapers won’t need to get a new prescription every three months.
“That’ll go a long way to addressing the GP crisis, as well as the illicit vape market,” Mr Foukkare said.

Theo Foukkare is available for interview on 0423 003 133
AACS TGA Submission can be viewed here
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