Florida Smoking Ban Smoldering, Nearly Snuffed Out

April 8, 2013

A House bill fails to get a hearing, and the measure appears dead for the year.

TALLAHASSEE – Legislation that would have allowed Sarasota County and several local governments to re-impose smoking bans on public property, including public beaches, appears stalled for this year, the Herald Tribune reports.

Two state Senate committees previously approved the measure (SB 258), but its companion bill in the House (HB 439) has stalled without receiving a hearing. The panel to which the measure was assigned is not scheduled to meet again.

Sen. Rob Bradley, who helped steward the bill through the Senate, said he would work after the current session on trying to find a compromise “so we can move this issue forward” next year. He said House members had indicated to him that their reluctance to embrace the bill was based on their perception that the legislation was “too over-reaching.”

“I’ve made overtures to limit the bill and those overtures have not been well received at this point in time,” Bradley said.

The House bill was originally assigned to the Health Quality Subcommittee, whose chairman opposed its contents. “Personally I didn’t really care for it myself,” said Chairman Ken Roberson. “I think that’s an issue that should be pre-empted to the state.” He said House members were concerned about the potential for having 67 counties and more than 400 cities imposing different smoking regulations.

“As far as hearing it, I’m sure it will be back next year,” Roberson said.

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