Coles, Woolworths accused of ‘money grab’ as costs bite

Sue Mitchell

Jun 13, 2019


Food and grocery suppliers have accused Coles and Woolworths of a “money grab” after being forced to pay more for promotions, marketing and new product launches while struggling to raise wholesale prices.

Suppliers who have managed to raise prices have been asked to hand back some or all of the gain by spending more on discounts and rebates – only to see the retailers raise prices by more than the wholesale price increase, a practice known as price creep.

Others have been asked to spend their entire co-op funding for the year – money set aside to help promote sales of their products – before the end of June. This could leave them short of money to support their products if sales are weak later in the year.

“It’s a pure money grab,” said one small supplier, who asked not to be identified in case it jeopardised his relationship with the major chains.

Suppliers say Coles and Woolworths are hiking up the cost of promotions and new products in an end of year “money grab.”  Luis Enrique Ascui

After being asked last month to spend all his co-op funding before July and contribute more towards the cost of rearranging shelves to launch a product, the supplier said Coles asked for more cash last week.

“[The buyer said] I have been told not to get off the phone from any supplier unless I secure money before the end of the financial year,” the supplier said.

Suppliers have likened the demands to Woolworths’ Mind the Gap program in December 2014, when the retailer asked more than 800 suppliers for more than $60 million in extra payments to plug a $53 million shortfall in December-half profit shortfall.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission alleged the demands were unconscionable and took Woolworths to the Federal Court, but the court found in Woolworths’ favour, accepting its defence that demanding money from suppliers was consistent with the “ordinary nature” of retailer and supplier relationships.

Suppliers say Woolworths recently has increased the cost for suppliers to run “off-location” promotions, such as separate stands and displays to promote their goods, from $250,000 to $300,000.

It was also charging suppliers about $30,000 for listings “the size of postage stamp” in its weekly discounts catalogue.

At Coles, suppliers say they are being asked to pay more for new product launches, with one small supplier who usually pays about $3000 asked to pay $20,000.

“If they have 1000 or 2000 new products going in over the next few months and they’re getting between $25,000 and $1 million, that could add up to a considerable amount of money very quickly,” he said.

At the same time, suppliers say Coles and Woolworths have been engaging in price creep – increasing shelf prices by a larger margin than wholesale price rises.

According to a UBS supplier survey last month, almost 70 per cent of non-food suppliers and 40 per cent of packaged food suppliers believe price creep has become more prevalent in the past six months, with Woolworths more aggressive than Coles.

Suppliers also say Woolworths has also been more aggressive than Coles at demanding suppliers “mitigate” wholesale price increases by giving them bigger discounts or spending more on marketing for the same or other products in their portfolio.

According to the UBS survey, more than two-thirds of suppliers said Woolworths had asked them to mitigate more than 50 per cent of price  increases.

“They’re certainly looking for opportunities to improve margins and cut costs,” said another supplier, who also asked not to be named.

However, he said the retailers were taking care not to breach their obligations under the Food and Grocery code of conduct. “They’re very code-of-conduct savvy.”

Analysts say both Coles and Woolworths are facing rising costs from new enterprise agreements signed last year and are attempting to offset these by increasing supplier charges, changing rosters and reducing labour in-store by using shelf-ready packaging and store-ready pallets.

“They definitely have some pressure on them to make that up one way or another,” said one analyst.

Woolworths said it had been absorbing wholesale cost increases so it could keep prices affordable for customers and dealt with cost increase requests on a case-by-case basis.

“It’s not our practice to make any demands of suppliers, including any supplier income for future marketing activity,” a spokesman said.

“If there was any evidence of such demands being made by our team, we would treat it very seriously and take appropriate action.”

Coles said it had been working hard to build fair and transparent relationships with suppliers and feedback from its regular supplier surveys had been increasingly positive.

Suppliers say they are also being asked to match or cycle discounts and engage in promotions they invested in at the same time a year ago, even if the investments failed to deliver returns.

“I’m interested in investing money with retailers and I’m even interested in investing more money as long as … we are getting better output and we are not repeating mistakes or bad programs again,” one supplier said.

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