23rd February, 2021. CCA Media Release
- 100% renewable electricity in Australia and New Zealand by 2025
- Reduction of sugar (grams per 100ml) across non-alcoholic beverages portfolio of 35% in Indonesia and 20% in Australia and New Zealand by 20251
- Partnering for pack-to-pack recycling solutions in all countries where we operate by 2030 and designing for 100% recyclability across all packaging
- Sustain net zero water operations

Launch follows solid progress against Amatil’s 2020 Sustainability Goals2
Coca-Cola Amatil (“Amatil”) today announced a range of 10 bold sustainability objectives in its ‘2020-2040 Sustainability Ambitions’, designed to make a distinct and positive contribution between now and 2040 to the communities and markets in which it operates.
Building on the achievements of its ‘2020 Sustainability Goals’, Amatil will focus its action over the next twenty years on four priority areas – water, consumer wellbeing, packaging and carbon reduction – to help deliver on its long-term Value Proposition centred around its customers, people, partners, consumers and the environment.
Group Managing Director Alison Watkins said, “Amatil is committed to maintaining a leadership role in sustainability and we firmly believe that creating value for society is consistent with the delivery of value to shareholders. “We’re proud of Amatil’s sustainability achievements to date, and this bold new set of sustainability ambitions will challenge us even further to deliver more positive outcomes over the next critically important twenty years.”
According to Ms Watkins, after releasing a set of sustainability strategies and public goals in 2018 to be achieved by the end of 2020, it was vital that Amatil focus the next phase of its sustainability journey on where it can make the biggest impact. “We’ve made solid progress against our 2020 Sustainability Goals, and through this process and extensive engagement with our many stakeholders, we’ve developed a set of ambitions that have been prioritised based on stakeholder expectations and where Amatil can make the greatest difference.”
Amatil’s ‘2020-2040 Sustainability Ambitions’ will be underpinned by a series of roadmaps and performance indicators to provide a pathway to delivery and ensure the ambitions are embedded across the business. The ambitions are also aligned with The Coca-Cola Company’s (TCCC) sustainability priorities and strategies, including TCCC’s Science-Based Target of 25% carbon reduction by 2030 (compared to 2015) and its 2030 World Without Waste program. 2020-2040 Sustainability Ambitions Priority ambitions
1. Net zero water by 2020:
- Sustain our net zero water operations by being water stewards; only sourcing from sustainable water sources, also considering community needs, and improving vulnerability assessments, management plans, measurement, reporting and transparency for communities
- Together with The Coca-Cola Company, return to nature and communities more than the amount of water that we use in our drinks. Focus replenishment projects on our operational areas and communities, including supply chain/agricultural priority areas, improving water security for all where needed most
- Use water carefully and efficiently in our operations and focus on re-use opportunities.
2. Consumer wellbeing by 2025:
- Reduce our total non-alcoholic beverages portfolio sugar grams per 100ml by 35 per cent in Indonesia, and by 20 per cent in Australia and New Zealand, by 2025 (vs 2015) & ensure wellbeing initiatives underway in all markets
- Lead across our communities on responsible consumption (alcohol & non-alcohol) particularly in vulnerable communities
- Continue to market responsibly, offering choice and information to help our consumers make decisions, and do not aim or direct any media marketing activity to children under the age of 123.
3. Closing the loop on packaging by 2030:
- Pack-to-pack recycling solutions in all countries where we operate by 2030
- Design for 100% recyclability and support well-designed infrastructure and initiatives for collection
- 50% average recycled or renewable content across all packaging by 2030
- Develop the feasibility of using average of 75% recycled or renewable plastic across our total PET packaging portfolio 2030.
4. Net zero carbon emissions by 2040:
- Achieve net zero direct carbon emissions (Scope 1
& 2) by 2040
- 100% renewable electricity in Australia and New Zealand by 2025
- Reduce of other emissions in line with The Coca-Cola Company’s Science-Based Target of 25% reduction by 2030 (vs 2015)
- Support climate resilient operations and communities.
1 Compared to the 2015 baseline for sugar grams per 100ml
2 See page 3 of this media release for 2020 sustainability performance highlights. Amatil’s 2020 Sustainability Report, to be published in April 2021, will include detailed information on performance and progress against the 2020 Sustainability Goals.
3 3 In New Zealand the Children and Young People’s Advertising Code requires that advertising for our products must not target children (below the age of 14) or be placed in any media where children are likely to be a significant proportion of the expected average audience. In Australia no advertising is directed to children and young people under the age of 15.
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