Citi analyst says sugar tax won't change buyers' habits

Carrie LaFrenz
July 4, 2018

A leading Wall Street analyst has said a sugar tax won’t change consumer tastes and unfairly targeted soft drink makers.

Citi’s global head of consumer research Wendy Nicholson, who has covered beverage giants like The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo for a decade, questioned why one source of calories was punished compared to other less healthy food choices.

“The narrative on what’s healthy and what’s not – particularly the case with children – and the growing obesity epidemic has targeted the soft drinks industry,” she said.

“Some of that is obviously unfair, because the last time I checked there is no targeted tax on Hershey’s [chocolate] bars and there is just as much sugar in that. In some cases, there is just as much sugar in orange juice depending on the brand, so why not tax orange juice? 

“There seems to be inequality in terms of targeting carbonated soft drinks as a revenue source for some cities of states.”

Ms Nicholson’s comments came after the country’s biggest soft drink makers recently promised to cut their use of sugar by 20 per cent over the next seven years in a bid to tackle Australia’s obesity epidemic. 

There have long been calls for a tax on sugary drinks, so industry players including Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Asahi Beverages and Frucor Suntory have signed a new agreement that will apply to all non-alcoholic drinks produced by members of the Australian Beverages Council. 

Blips in consumption

But drinks with high amounts of sugar such as Coke will remain unchanged, and the plan will focus on producing new varieties with low-sugar and reduce serving sizes. The pledge has also been criticised as an attempt to thwart a “sugar tax” by announcing a sugar-reduction target.

Coca-Cola Amatil – 30 per cent owned by the US Coca-Cola Company – is one of the largest bottlers of non-alcoholic beverages in the Asia-Pacific region and one of the world’s five major Coca-Cola bottlers. CCA boss Alison Watkins recently said it’s highly likely a sugar tax will come into force in Australia at some point. 

Several cities in California already have a “soda tax”, as well as Boulder, Colorado and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The District of Columbia and New York City are said to be contemplating a soda tax.

Ms Nicholson – a Diet Coke drinker – said a sugar tax is unlikely to alter people’s buying habits.

“Broadly speaking while there has been some blips in consumption, a dip down as people adapt to a tax, they generally come back to buying just as much as before,” she said. “If you are really trying to do something from an obesity perspective, then it actually is unlikely to detour consumption the way it was intended.”

She added the idea of taxing the full calorie soda version to force migration to a lower sugar option is also flawed because over the past few years as consumers become more educated about fake sugars like aspartame, they have shunned diet sodas.

Diet Coke came of age in 1970s with it becoming the choice drink for working women, and as those women age and are drinking less soft drinks today, they are leaving the category. Over the past five years there has been a significant shift in consumers’ desires for a more niche brands, Ms Nicholson said.

“You don’t want to use the shampoo or drink product that your parents used,” she said. “There is an incredible amount of brand fragmentation. The abundance of alternatives is hurting soft drinks.”

More choice

Over past five years both sales and volumes of carbonated soft drinks are down in Australia, a trend likely to continue. 

“Globally we see that trend away from CSD happening just about everywhere,” she said. “That starts with the consumer preference. But is also supported by the companies themselves offering more choice … like Dasani water or Minute Maid Orange Juice.”

Ms Nicholson said Coke is doing a particularly good job of relaunching its portfolio under new CEO James Quincey, who faced criticism from investors on how can they invest in Coke as the leader of a dying industry.

His response has been to change the portfolio: over the past 10 years the proportion of carbonated soft drinks has declined from nearly 80 per cent of Coke’s business to less than 70 per cent.

Ms Nicholson said Coke is now seeing big growth in coffee and tea. It is the emerging markets like India, Brazil and Mexico that are still bolstering sales of fizzy drinks.

“In emerging markets sugar is seen as a good thing because it is seen as a clear energy source, and inexpensive energy source,” Ms Nicholson said. “Consumers drink Coke, not as a refreshment or for caffeine, they drink it as a quasi-nutritional beverage. It’s not about calorie counting.”

Despite the move away from sugary soda in Western countries, the carbonated soda category remains the largest non-alcoholic ready-to-drink category globally with a market size of nearly $US300 billion ($406 billion) compared with bottled water at $US210 billion and juice at $US129 billion, according to Citi.

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