Choc bars to shrink 20% in war on sugar


Peter Evans
February 5 2017
The Sunday Times

KitKat and other brands want to avoid being named and shamed in childhood obesity reportsJASON ADLEN

How do you cut the amount of sugar in a chocolate bar? Simple. Make it smaller.

Brands such as KitKat, Mars bar and Dairy Milk have come up with a sweet trick to meet government targets for reducing sugar in their products.

Most high-sugar products, including yoghurt, fizzy drinks and breakfast cereal, can be reformulated using artificial sweeteners, but chocolate makers say doing this ruins the taste of their products — and can even have a laxative effect.

Now Mars, Nestlé, the owner of KitKat, and Mondelez, the American food giant behind Cadbury, are preparing to take a bite out of chocolate bars to avoid being named and shamed in a series of Public Health England (PHE) reports


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