Colin Kruger
April 2, 2013
The Age
The Byron Bay Cookie Company is being put up for sale this week and foreign buyers have already shown interest as bank-appointed receivers try to recover millions of dollars.
The company’s receivers, lead by PricewaterhouseCoopers partner, Derrick Vickers, have commenced an expression of interest campaign and will be advertising this week.
“We are looking to find a buyer for the business and have already issued a number of information memorandums to parties who have signed confidentiality agreements,” Mr Vickers said.
The receivers were appointed by National Australia Bank on March 15, one week after the company was forced into administration. The Australian Tax Office tried to wind the company up over $1.7 million in unpaid taxes and superannuation payments.
Lawler Partners’ John Vouris, who leads the administration, said that a sales process had commenced prior to the receivers appointment and around 40 parties had registered their interest. This includes queries from as far afield as India.
“It’s a great product,” said Mr Vouris.
He said that the company was profitable at the time of administration, according to its accounts.
He hinted that money loaned to related companies – including its retail arm – may have created problems for Byron Bay Cookie which was responsible for making the biscuits and selling it wholesale.
It is understood that NAB took control of the sales process as they had a secured charge over the business as well as the land it rented from a company associated with Byron Bay Cookies’ owner, part-time orthopaedic surgeon Gordon Slater.
According to documents lodged with ASIC, Mr Slater has said he is owed $300,000 by Byron Bay Cookie.
Related companies associated with Mr Slater are owed a further $2.8 million. This includes $146,000 owed to Fortune 5 Pty Ltd, a company which rented some of its property to Byron Bay Cookie.
NAB appointed receivers to Fortune 5 on March 21.
Mr Vouris said that Mr Slater has until this week to propose a deed of company arrangement if he wants to regain control of the company he acquired a decade ago.
A second creditors meeting is scheduled for April 22. Mr Vouris said that a creditors report will soon be available that will include his investigation into the collapse of the business.
Current and former employees are chasing unpaid superannuation which they claim has not been paid for two years. A former senior employee, who spoke under the condition of anonymity, said he only discovered last week that no super had ever been paid.
Another employee who withheld his name said he had only received $100 out of the $10,000 owed. “Many of the existing factory workers are too scared to confront management in fear of losing their jobs,” he said.
The company was also threatened with being wound up by Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer in September last year in the Federal Court, but the case was dismissed.
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