Banking royal commission: Kenneth Hayne has a message for every boardroom

Graeme Samuel
Feb 8, 2019

The Hayne royal commission has exposed some horrific evidence of outrageous misconduct on the part of our previously revered financial institutions, misconduct which merits close examination by the regulators with a view, in many instances to criminal prosecution.
Senior business people have seen their reputations trashed – in my view deservedly so – while many others have so far been lucky to have escaped the worst outcomes, with a seeming thick coating of Teflon (or a carefully devised strategy of invisibility) enshrouding their names and activities – or neglect.
The banking royal commission final report was, in my respectful view, absolutely perfect in its common sense targeting of the critical issues. Much of the commentary has focused on issues that are quite specific to the finance industry and in particular the banking and superannuation sectors.
Perhaps of more importance is the extensive examination provided by Hayne into issues of governance and culture – issues that also formed the foundation of the Report of the APRA Prudential Inquiry into the culture, governance and accountability of Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
Corporate Australia generally should study the governance and culture sections of both reports – they contain valuable insights and lessons for everyone responsible for the governance of our business organisations.
Commissioner Kenneth Hayne summarises it nicely by outlining six very simple ideas that must inform business conduct: obey the law; do not mislead or deceive; be fair; provide services that are fit for purpose; deliver services with reasonable care and skill; when acting for another, act in the best interests of that other.
Both reports urge business to adopt the “Should I do this” test, rather than a “Can I do this” with its inherent ticking boxes approach.
Layer on top of these principles the governance, culture and remuneration principles discussed in the APRA Report and you have the the foundations of a trustworthy financial services, indeed corporate sector.
Bible for governance
The APRA report has been described by some as the bible for corporate governance; ASIC chair James Shipton has urged every listed company to read it.
By Chanticleer
It is clear that achieving financial success has been the prime cause of complacency and resultant misconduct. But let’s not forget that this culture emanates from the shareholder base – for its primary demand of business has been to maximise shareholder wealth.
As I observed the traumatising of executive level witnesses as they admitted to the deeds of misconduct under incisive examination by counsel assisting the commission, I’m left wondering why in all of heaven they weren’t traumatised so much earlier when they knew that they were overseeing the business operations in which that misconduct was an integral part. As Hayne observed, it was all about culture.
Hayne and the APRA report agree that there is a fundamental change of culture needed in our financial institutions. How long does cultural change take? I’ve heard it said that it takes up to 10 years – the proponents of that view are generally cultural change consultants! Change can occur in a relatively short time with determination and commitment, with the tone starting at the top of the organisation.
A clear message that failure to comply with change is not tolerated and will meet with severe consequences – financial and potential termination of employment, is a useful starting point. But ultimately culture needs to be owned by everyone in the organisation, starting at the top, but not just imposed from the top.
Cultural change needs to be driven internally by the board and management, with limited reliance on consultants. If a board and CEO do not know what culture is needed to be imbued in their organisation, perhaps they should be considering their suitability for leadership of the organisation. Indeed I wonder if those responsible for the culture of the past, can ever be effective in implementing change for the future.
How do we get to the desired state of honesty, integrity and trustworthiness in the financial services sector, indeed corporate Australia generally?
Well Hayne and the APRA CBA Report have provided the wake up call – a shock out of a condition of complacency.

Short-lived lessons

But the lessons of 2019 will be relatively short-lived. We will and should see a spurt of governance and cultural reform over the next couple of years, but there is the real danger that there will be a gradual lapse back into the course of misconduct that has now been revealed in the royal commission.
Kenneth Hayne hands down his final report into the banking royal commission. David Rowe editorial cartoon for 5 February 2019. David Rowe
Corporate Australia has a remarkably brief memory cycle when it comes to heeding the lessons of these events – complacency sets in very quickly. How do we perpetuate their impact?
This brings me to the law and the regulators. Hayne proposes a simplification of the law.
This suggests a regulatory regime which is based on broad principles rather than complex transaction specific law with a focus on empowering consumers by requiring that they be provided with meaningful accessible information to enable them to make an informed choice.
Could you have anything simpler than the Australian Consumer Law which prohibits a business from engaging in conduct that is misleading or deceptive.
Cultural change needs to be driven internally by the board and management.
Or a law that required every business proposing a transaction to a consumer, to disclose in an accessible and meaningful manner (having regard to the sophistication and circumstances of the intended recipient of the information) all information that would be relevant to enable that consumer to determine whether to enter into that transaction.
Hayne also imposes some significant responsibilities on the shoulders of the two regulators, ASIC and APRA.
Hayne will operate as a wake-up call to them to sharpen their focus to ensure that corporate Australia meets the expectations of the general community. If they needed a general KPI it would be to ensure that corporate Australia does not lapse back into the complacency and acceptance of misconduct revealed by Hayne.
I think we can summarise their necessary qualities with three C words – Commitment to their responsibilities, Courage to undertake them without fear or favour and a Culture of doing whatever is necessary to promote the public interest.
But with all the focus on enforcement activity, let us not forget the exhortation of Hayne:
The more complicated the law, the easier it is for compliance to be seen as asking ‘Can I do this?’ and answering that question by ticking boxes instead of asking ‘Should I do this? What is the right thing to do?’
The major financial institutions have a major repair job ahead of them to restore trust in their approach to their customers.
They all are now loudly proclaiming that they have been remiss in not putting their customers first. They are all promising to do so henceforth. But will they walk the talk? Will their shareholders permit them to deviate from their perception of their primary remit – to increase the wealth of shareholders?
How long will the shocking revelations of the royal commission remain at the forefront of their strategies for governance and cultural change? And will our regulators be up to the task of ensuring that long into the future, complacency and misconduct does not become the norm again?

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