New Check Locally label provides advice to consumers
The webinar highlighted the introduction of a new label for soft plastics under the Australasian Recycling Label (ARL). This label aims to connect consumers, via APCO’s website, with the latest information regarding the recyclability options for soft plastic packaging in Australia as collection services resume.
The Check Locally logo can be applied to any material where significant curbside or drop-off collections exist but are not yet available to 80% of the Australian population. This label will be increasingly important as new collections and stewardship schemes come online in the years ahead. It is being offered to soft plastics labels being designed or updated now, with the assumption that these products will enter the market in the next 12-18 months, which aligns with when collections are expected to resume.
Brands can start reviewing their artwork now and will have until 1 July 2025 to complete their on-pack updates, after which time it will be an ACCC expectation.
Consumers that see the Check Locally label on-pack will be invited to visit the ARL website for curbside and drop-off services specific to each council area in Australia.
Uplifted ARL soft plastics thresholds are now in force
In order to qualify to use the Check Locally logo, soft plastics will now need to meet new thresholds. These were gazetted in 2022 and will now take effect. The new thresholds are aligned with global best practice and CEFLEX. They encourage design for circularity and enable higher value recovery. All ARL members will be provided with instructions on how to assess their packaging against the new thresholds.
Read the Webinar Soft Plastics FAQs here.
Insights into the Soft Plastics Value Chain
The webinar provided insights into the entire value chain of soft plastics and shared the latest news from the National Packaging Recycling Service (NPRS) collection trials, and Viva Energy’s plan for advanced reprocessing for up to 50,000 tonnes of soft plastic materials in Victoria. If you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to the APCO team at apco@apco.org.au.
Article source found here.
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