Sarah Danckert
July 26, 2015
The Age
Regulators in Australia could look to introduce graphic warning labels on packaging of alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and food that is unhealthy, a senior partner from Herbert Smith Freehills warns.
Representatives from the law firm, which is taking on the World Trade Organisation on behalf of British American Tobacco over plain packaging and warning labels on tobacco packaging, has told Fairfax Media that tobacco is often the “canary in the coal mine” for changes to labelling and warnings around the world.
A beer bottle with a picture of a cirrhotic liver could soon grace Australia’s tables, said Benjamin Rubinstein, who was part of the legal team that successfully defended BAT in a $280 billion racketeering case in the US.
“I think there have been rumbling among the public health community about what’s next: is it just tobacco? What about sugary foods? Fatty foods? What about alcohol?” the HSF partner said.
Mr Rubinstein said it was possible regulators could look to introduce graphic warning labels on the packaging of alcohol products, soft drinks and foods that were viewed as being unhealthy in the future.
“Often tobacco, whether it’s litigation or regulation, is the canary in the coal mine and I think public health authorities rightly want to encourage healthier lifestyles and there are a variety of ways they can do that, and, of course, there are limits – be they free speech limits or property rights – on what they can do.”
Mr Rubinstein joined HSF’s head of investigations and financial services litigation, Scott Balber, and David Wallace, a partner who specialises in dispute resolution, on a trip to Sydney, Melbourne and Perth to hold briefings with clients and partners of HSF.
Mr Wallace, who was a member of the defence team that won the first tobacco case heard in Britain, at the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, said corporations in Australia and elsewhere had to be prepared for cross-border litigations.
“Some of these litigations jump the border like a virus,” he said.
“Tobacco litigation came here; it’s gone to other jurisdictions and it’s still playing out in a very big way in Canada.”
Ireland passed plain packaging laws in April that would strip tobacco products of most of their branding, much like in Australia. Australia introduced plain packaging laws on tobacco products in 2011.
While “big tobacco” continued to rail against being stripped of intellectual property, this year the British Medical Journal published the results of 14 separate studies on the impact of plain packaging on the public indicating the laws were producing positive public health outcomes.
“Even if it doesn’t jump the border, even if it is not imported or exported, there are valuable lessons from that experience that a company can take on board – even prior to that regulatory engagement if you will – and that is in terms of its own proactive management of its risks on a strategic basis.”
In a wide-ranging interview, HSF partner Mr Balber – who has defended financial institutions against action brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission – said Australia’s big banks and other corporations could also be subject to action by regulators resulting in billion dollar fines.
Mr Balber said Australian corporations should be aware that they could be prosecuted under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, anti-bribery laws, accounting controls, financial controls and breach of sanctions issues.
“When Australian regulators and the Australian government see those numbers, you have to wonder whether they’re thinking: Why are we not pursuing a piece of that pie from the perspective from the government that’s always looking for new sources of revenue like everyone, resource restrained like everyone else?:”
In the US, major financial institutions including JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and Standard & Poor’s have all been slapped with hefty fines over breaches of various legislations.
Earlier this year, six banks – Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Barclays, UBS and Royal Bank of Scotland and Bank of America – together received fines totalling $US6 billion for manipulating Libor (London Interbank Offered Rates) and foreign exchange markets.
While Australia has never seen fines of this quantum levelled against financial institutions, several financial sector companies are subject to a major investigation over the alleged rigging of bank bill swap rates.
“I would be surprised if down the road there weren’t [a] more aggressive regulatory enforcement regime that results in more of the US style of penalties,” Mr Balber said.
He also believed Australian regulators were considering changing whistleblower laws to include “bounty payments” to people whose whistleblowing led to SEC fines.
The US Securities and Exchange Commission implemented changes under the Dodd-Frank Act to afford greater protections to whistleblowers, including a provision for “bounty payments” capped at 10 per cent. Whistleblowers can also seek employment protections under US laws.
“I don’t have a great insight into what the Australian regulators are thinking, except that they are aware of it and that it’s in the mix of possibilities. It’s certainly something folks are talking about.”
At present, Australia offers little protection to whistleblowers who too often risk losing their jobs for speaking out against their companies.
Over the past two years, staff members at Commonwealth Bank, National Australia Bank and IOOF have blown the whistle on those companies, revealing scandals that in the case of CBA and NAB have led to massive compensation programs for customers.
Mr Balber and Mr Wallace both warned of the repercussions of bringing in bounties for whistleblowers.
“It creates perverse incentives,” Mr Wallace said.
He said in the past employees would blow the whistle for moral reasons but under Dodd-Frank, they had a personal pecuniary benefit in blowing the whistle.
Mr Balber and Mr Wallace also said it was wrong to assume that a company agreeing to pay a fine to the SEC was necessarily an admission of guilt.
“[In regards to whistleblowers receiving a share of the penalty] I hate to be cynical, but it’s not necessarily the case that companies that have done the wrong thing pay settlements to the SEC.”
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