ACCC releases free online education program for small businesses

The ACCC has released a free online education program for small businesses to help them learn about their rights and obligations under Australian competition and consumer laws.

The program is a simple, interactive learning resource which provides a broad overview of the key provisions of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. It includes 10 modules covering topics such as pricing, advertising, consumer rights, selling safe products, unlawful competition and scams.

Each module should take about 15-20 minutes to complete. Users can work through the entire set of modules, or select only those topics most relevant to their business operations. At the end of most modules, users can do a short self-assessment quiz to test their understanding of the topic.

The free online education program for small business is available at

We encourage you to make use of this free resource – visit the site and work through the modules.
If you are a business advisor, we also encourage you to share the link to the program with your small business clients.

When launching the new resource, ACCC Deputy Chair Dr Michael Schaper said: ‘The ACCC is committed to helping businesses understand their rights and obligations under the CCA. We recognise that small business operators are busy running their business, and need simple, clear information which can be accessed at any time, at their own pace.’ You can read the full media release on the ACCC website.

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