Thank you to our Members  for your continued support of AACS particularly at a time when businesses are very focused on the current global health crisis and its impact.

I wish to inform you of what we are doing to support our Members.

Over recent weeks we have worked with governments – both state and federal – to ensure that our industry would be able to continue to trade and to serve their communities. We have been successful in this in all states and have had a terrific hearing as well as support from all governments.

We are also represented on a number of government working groups to ensure that the supply of goods is available through the supply chain as well as the safety of staff and customers working group.

We will continue to monitor events and to speak up where we see areas that could either positively or negatively affect our industry and Members.

Research is another important area and we recently commissioned CMA to conduct a survey of 1000 shoppers, [convenience and supermarket]

on their changed buying patterns and use of convenience stores and supermarkets as a result of COVID-19.

Just a summary that highlights store usage [and I will be pleased to send a copy of the full research to you if you have not yet seen it]:

Our Board recently reviewed our memberships fees and have recognised that businesses are operating in what for most is an unprecedented environment and which appears to be likely to continue for some months to come.

With this in mind we have decided to extend our current AACS Memberships  by an additional 6 months until December 2020 [normally financial year based] at no cost.

We will look to an annual renewal in January 2021, changing our annual membership to a calendar year (instead of financial year).  If you have a specific invoicing need in terms of your budgetary year please let me know and we will work to assist with that.

We value our Member’s support and input and will continue to be the champion of our industry for our Members.

We will still continue providing updated communications, research reports etc and whilst we may not be able to physically meet for some months, we will ensure that our contact remains regular and relevant.

If I can assist you at any time, please just ask.

Kind regards,



Chief Executive Officer

Australasian Association of Convenience Stores Limited

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