A chicken-brained idea! Waste agency to regulate the size of SCHNITZELS in the latest example of nanny state madness to hit Australia

28 July 2016

A state agency in South Australia wants to regulate chicken schnitzel size
The proposal aims to cut down on food scraps being dumped in landfills
An industry lobby group has rejected the proposal as a ‘commercial disaster’
The size of chicken schnitzels could be regulated under a state proposal to slash food waste.
Government-funded waste watchdog Keep South Australia Beautiful offered the idea as a way of cutting down on the amount of food scraps being dumped in landfills.
Although the state government has reacted warmly to the idea, the Australian Hotels Association has dismissed it as a ‘commercial disaster’ waiting to happen, the ABC reported.
Waste watchdog Keep Australia Beautiful wants to regulate the size of chicken schnitzels
Keep South Australia Beautiful chief executive John Phillips told the ABC that the size of schnitzels these days was ‘jaw dropping’.
A result of giant schnitzel servings was more food being left on plates, which was subsequently thrown in the trash, he said.
He said: ‘This is about educating people to look at their habits or behaviour so they can take a personal responsibility.’
Australian Hotels Association spokesman Ian Horne said he struggled to see the idea gaining traction.
He said: ‘It’s a bit harsh to blame the poor schnitzel for all the woes of landfill – I think that’s an overstatement.
‘Where do you draw the line? Do you start setting a standard for how many seeds and grains must be in a multigrain roll?’

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