Bank competition and the cashless society

Alan Kohler
JULY 29, 2015

I remember being a little bit torn at the time, between “what a good idea” and “how dare you!” But the reason was unarguable: it’s more hygienic. And half the time I haven’t got any cash in my wallet anyway.
As the flyer that Sam Canning handed to customers said: “We all know that money is filthy. In fact, it’s often contaminated with potential pathogens, such as E.coli, Shigella, Staphylococcus as well as various yeasts and fungi. Gross huh? We think so, too. Therefore it has no place in our establishments”. (Sam has two stores.)
Now I just tap the card when buying meat and wonder why other food shops haven’t done the same thing. But surprisingly, they haven’t: a year later Cannings is still the only cashless shop I’ve been in (and too many are still “cash only”, presumably because they’re evading tax).
The other benefit for Sam Canning is that he and his staff never have to spend time counting cash and reconciling the tills at the end of the day or queue up at the bank to deposit the cash.
And by the way, that’s the only purpose of a bank branch these days, apart from being a venue to ask for a loan: retailers have to go there to deposit their “filthy” cash.
Globally the trend of banking and retailing is clearly to move away from cash. Denmark seems to be the closest country to going completely cashless, and New Zealand is not far behind.
The Danish government has unveiled a series of initiatives designed to allow all retailers to be cashless by January next year, and Danske Bank’s MobilePay app is being used by close to half the population already, so cards are being cut out as well.
Stories have been appearing in New Zealand for years about how cash is going out of fashion there, although the government doesn’t seem to be getting involved yet.
Greece has been going in the other direction lately, with a big increase in currency in circulation, but that’s for other reasons.
The banks don’t really want a cashless society because it opens them up more to competition. They have a monopoly on cash, but these days not on card payments.
And there’s talk that Apple is close to a deal with an Australian bank for its mobile phone app, Apple Pay, which bring us another step closer to a cashless society.
This week Sam Canning told me he couldn’t have gone cashless without Australia’s start-up EFTPOS provider, Tyro Payments.
And that, in turn, is because Tyro is the only payments provider to have linked its system to his preferred scales supplier, Wedderburn, the 120-year family-owned fourth-generation Australian scales business.
So Sam’s staff simply plonk the meat on the Wedderburn scales, the price pops up on the Tyro machine in front of the customer, customers tap or enter their PINs, meat handed over.
Tyro and Wedderburn, and Cannings for that matter, are Australian retailing success stories a century apart. Wedderburn, founded by Jabez Wedderburn in 1896, is still going strong in both Australia and New Zealand, while Tyro, an unlisted public company, now has a profitable share of the bank-dominated EFTPOS market. (Cannings is at the forefront of the move towards free-range farming.)
Andrew Rothwell, one of the founders of Tyro, told me this week that Tyro doesn’t undercut the banks on the transaction fees, which start at 0.6 per cent and go up to 2 per cent on the super premium Visa and Mastercard, and American Express cards, but says they rely on providing better service as well as no set up, admin or break fees.
Tyro Payments started 12 years ago and in its submission to the Financial System Inquiry in March, the company said: “Tyro would not have gained access to the banking system were it not for the significant support of the then governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Ian John Macfarlane AC and the chairman of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, Dr John Laker AO.”
The submission also cited the support of the then minister for human services, Joe Hockey, who insisted on sourcing Medicare rebating through the existing debit card system, and “tendering the service through an open panel accreditation structure allowing the innovator Tyro to compete”.
Tyro says it’s now the Medicare Easyclaim market leader with 50 per cent share, but in retail the business is fighting the banks’ break fees and has less than 5 per cent share so far — 13,000 out of 550,000 and is doing $7 billion a year in transactions.
Its submission to the Financial System Inquiry complained bitterly about the anti-competitive culture of Australian banking and called for an ACCC inquiry into it.
Andrew Rothwell said he doesn’t know of any other retailers that have gone completely cashless, but surely it’s just a matter of time.
Business Spectator

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