Coles, Woolworths urged to target Aldi's weaknesses

Sue Mitchell
May 28, 2015
The Age

Woolworths and Coles need to target Aldi’s weaknesses – its limited range, lack of service and absence of value-added meals – rather than try to compete with the fast-growing discounter on price or private-label products, says a British retail expert.
Kantar Worldpanel director Edward Garner has warned that Australia’s major grocery retailers are facing a “new normal” of lower sales and weaker margins as the sector becomes more price-competitive and Aldi gains market share.
The discounters won’t totally rule the world; I can see limits to their growth and there are lessons to be learned from France, where the discounters are in decline.
Edward Garner
However, the British retail veteran – the keynote speaker at the Australian Food & Grocery Council’s annual executive conference – says the major chains can avoid a UK-style grocery price war by taking lessons from successful retailers such as Britain’s Waitrose and France’s Leclerc.
“The discounters won’t totally rule the world; I can see limits to their growth and there are lessons to be learned from France, where the discounters are in decline,” Mr Garner told Fairfax Media ahead of the AFGC conference on Thursday.
“Their strength – their limited assortment – is a double-edged sword,” he said.
Aldi and its European discount rival Lidl, which have been carving up grocery markets in Britain and Spain, stock around 1200 product lines – a fraction of the 30,000-odd lines carried by full-service supermarkets. The limited range helps reduce their operating costs but also means that consumers usually have to visit a major chain to complete their weekly grocery shop.
Discount spend rising
In Britain, about 91 per cent of “discount” shoppers are still shopping at one of the big four grocery chains – Tesco, Sainsbury, Morrisons and Asda – but the amount they spend at Aldi or Lidl is rising.
“In Australia, Coles and Woolworths will have similar shopper numbers, but they’ll lose spend from those shoppers as people add the discounters to their repertoire,” Mr Garner said. “So the objective for Coles and Woolworths is not so much to match them [on price] – they have to do something better than them.”
Mr Garner says Coles and Woolworths should emulate upmarket retailer Waitrose or Marks & Spencer – the only two British food retailers enjoying positive sales growth – by augmenting their range with chilled, semi-prepared meals; injecting theatre into their stores with celebrity appearances, product demonstrations and tastings; boosting service levels and taking advantage of their wider product range.
While Aldi and Lidl have been improving the quality of their private-label products, winning prizes at food fairs and launching pop-up restaurants in Britain to highlight the quality of their food, they lacked the broad product range and semi-prepared meals valued by many shoppers.
“They don’t have an aspirational eating experience, they don’t have an answer on service and there’s no answer on the breadth of selection,” Mr Garner said.
Meals on Woolies’ menu
Woolworths has already identified semi-prepared meals as a growth opportunity, entering into a joint venture with food company Beak & Johnson and opening a fresh meals plant in Sydney’s west. The venture, dubbed City Kitchen, will start shipping product to stores early next month.
Woolworths has also vowed to invest more than $500 million of cost savings into reducing grocery prices to “contain” Aldi, while both major chains are reviewing their private-label ranges to better compete with the discounter.
Mr Garner said Coles and Woolworths needed to be competitive on price but did not need to compete head to head with Aldi if they could offer value through range and service. He also warned Woolworths against launching a new “pseudo-brand” private-label range to compete with Aldi’s house brands, saying similar strategies had been abandoned in Britain.
“Just sticking a name on a product is not a brand; a brand has got to have heritage and a back story,” he said.

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