A Nutella restaurant is opening up in NYC

A Nutella-themed restaurant Nutelleria is soon to open in New York City.
It’s the magical wonderland you imagine, too. There’s to be crepes, breakfast pizza (topped with cream cheese, fruit and Nutella) and – wait for it – a Nutella-bacon-banana waffle sandwich. Nutella quesadillas and breakfast burritos are also rumoured menu items. If all that couldn’t cure a hangover who knows what will.
Regrettably, the restaurant has disappointed stoners around New York stating that they will not have a delivery service.
The restaurant has no association with Ferrero, instead it is run by a bunch of ‘Nutella enthusiasts that decided to share our love for Nutella with the rest of the world’. The restaurant is guilty of incessant hashtags, but they redeemed themselves with a freaking great website. You can play Snake!
How the restaurant is going to cope with the potential Nutella shortage and intellectual property infringements we’re yet to see, but as long as there’s Snake on their website, we should be perfectly content.

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