Police to crack down on people who leave their cars unlocked

Isn’t it amazing that the Police have resources to check on ordinary citizens cars, and issue fines, but apparently do not have the resources to chase up on those who wilfully steal petrol from retailers?
Jeff Rogut
Police to crack down on people who leave their cars unlocked
MAY 08, 2014

Police are urging drivers to make it hard for would-be thieves to get in their cars.
MOTORISTS who leave their cars unlocked and unattended could be slapped with a $144 fine, police have warned.
Dandenong Police have launched a new campaign to remind people about the importance of locking their vehicles in response to the high volume of thefts from cars in the city.
According to the most recent Victoria Police crime statistics, there were 1308 thefts from motor vehicles in Greater Dandenong in 2013 — second only to property damage in terms of crime committed in the city — as well as 497 thefts of motor vehicles.
Operation SAVE, which stands for ‘secure all valuables and equipment’, will officially be launched tonight at the Dandenong Railway Station.
Dandenong Senior Constable Annmarie Logan said as part of the ongoing initiative, PSOs and council parking officers would record the registration and location of cars that were left unlocked, with windows open or valuables in plain view.
The information will then be passed on to police, who will send out a letter to the registered owner advising them their vehicle had been found unlocked, and they could face a fine.
Sen-Constable Logan said owners could be stung $144 for leaving a vehicle unlocked if they were not within 3m.
She said theft from motor vehicles was a ‘huge’ issue in Greater Dandenong, and police were taking a ‘proactive’ approach.
“It’s one of our biggest crime figures — theft from motor vehicle — and a very high proportion of those vehicles are being left unlocked,” she said.
“They’re not even trying to secure their own belongings.
“It’s an overall approach to try and drive down the crime statistics and encourage people to take responsibility for their own belongings.”

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