Sue Mitchell
May 7, 2014
The Age
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is attempting to calm grocery suppliers who fear retribution after being named in court documents setting out the commission’s unconscionable conduct case against Coles.
The ACCC’s statement of claim, lodged with the Federal Court on Monday, lists 200 businesses that were approached by Coles and asked to pay ongoing rebates in return for benefits related to supply chain improvements.
The ACCC has alleged that Coles engaged in unconscionable conduct by using unfair tactics and misleading information to force smaller suppliers to pay the rebates.
Industry groups have welcomed the legal action, saying Coles’ heavy-handed tactics had been the bane of suppliers for years. But suppliers fear those named in the claim or those who give evidence in court could face retribution from Coles.
The ACCC emailed suppliers on Tuesday, saying that to make its case it was required to name suppliers approached by Coles as part of the supply chain program and submit details of some suppliers’ specific dealings with Coles.
”However, I would like to assure you that this information has been taken from documents and evidence received from Coles in the first instance and does not rely upon any information that suppliers may have volunteered to the ACCC in confidence,” the ACCC said.
The ACCC also reiterated that it had no co-operating witnesses and that it had been forced to compel all relevant witnesses to provide evidence, using its information gathering powers. Investigators also told suppliers that it would be made clear to Coles that suppliers had not co-operated in the case.
Most suppliers contacted by Fairfax Media were reluctant to speak on the record, but one supplier said he expected the ACCC to monitor Coles’ treatment of suppliers in the lead-up to the case, which starts on June 6 with a directions hearing in Melbourne.
Coles has said it will vigorously defend the action and has dismissed the ACCC’s claim that the alleged unfair tactics were part of a highly orchestrated campaign by the company. The statement of claim says senior Coles executives, including incoming managing director John Durkan, played a role in pressuring suppliers.
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