Where Vapor Comes Sweeping Down the Plain

APRIL 26, 2014

E-Cigarettes Take Hold in Oklahoma
Nick Whitson, who is 32 and covered with enigmatic tattoos — the number 13, an upside-down cross — stood in front of a table scattered with dozens of bottles of colorful liquids and a handful of syringes, preparing to mix Trevor Curren his usual.
Mr. Whitson manages a small shop called Vaporlicious in an Oklahoma City strip mall. He sells flavored nicotine liquids for devices known variously as e-cigarettes, vape pens, tank systems and e-hookahs. In the last 18 months, the number of vaping shops in the state jumped from a handful to 300, with names like Vapor Haven, the Vape Hut, Vapor World, Creative Vapor and Patriotic Vapes.
Mr. Curren, 47, took up chewing tobacco at age 10 and switched to cigarettes in seventh grade. When he discovered e-cigarettes in 2011, he quit smoking — and within six months, he said, was able to taste his food and started jogging again. He also regained self-respect and now holds his head high at the Harvest Church in Norman.
“I feel like I’m one step closer to God,” he said. So precious is his e-cigarette that he wears it on a lanyard around his neck: “This takes the crime out of smoking.”
Around the country, there are an estimated 5,000 vape shops. But Oklahoma, with 6 percent of those shops and a little more than 1 percent of the United States population, has a disproportionate share.
Business is booming. “You can’t even get commercial retail space in Tulsa right now in that 1,200- or 1,500-foot range because everyone is opening a vapor store — it’s crazy,” said Chip Paul, who owns two of the nearly 50 stores in Tulsa, and who estimates that a typical store can bring in $400,000 a year after start-up costs of less than $50,000.
What has made Oklahoma a vaping hub is a heavy concentration of smokers, many desperate to quit, who are creating both demand and supply. Converts to e-cigarettes are taking advantage of the relatively low cost of starting a business to become zealous sellers.
“The trend moves from the coasts inward and from Oklahoma outward,” said Daniel Walsh, the chief executive of Purebacco USA, a company in Michigan that ships e-liquid to retailers nationwide and tracks the retail trends. “It’s somewhat anomalous,” he said of Oklahoma. Or it could be, he said, that “Oklahoma is simply ahead of the trend.”
Last week, the Food and Drug Administration for the first time proposed rules for regulating e-cigarettes, including prohibiting sales to minors and requiring producers to register with the agency and disclose manufacturing processes.
But many crucial questions still fall to the states. Should there be indoor vaping bans, for example, or excise taxes? The F.D.A., in its release on Thursday, didn’t address marketing or whether to ban flavorings, which some critics say appeal to children. State-imposed limits played a big role in reducing traditional cigarette use, and health officials said states could play a similar role this time, pulling back the reins on e-cigarettes until more is known about their potential hazards.
For instance, some studies show carcinogens in the vapor, particularly in a new generation of more powerful e-cigarettes. Liquid nicotine is toxic and it can be absorbed into the skin. Public health officials shudder when they hear about people like Mr. Whitson, who mixes the e-juice without gloves — and just a few feet from a crib where his 4-month-old daughter sometimes sleeps. (He says that he’s careful and that the company uses only “food-grade products that are kosher.”)
Oklahoma has already taken a few steps. Gov. Mary Fallin has prohibited vaping on state property, and last week signed a law prohibiting sales to minors. Some 18 percent of Oklahoma high-school students have experimented with vaping, nearly double the national average. While the F.D.A. rules would also prevent those teenagers from buying e-cigarettes, they are now just proposals.
The prospect of further regulation troubles many small-business people here, including Sean Gore, a former rodeo cowboy and recovered meth addict turned consultant to the oil and gas industry, who has become a leader in the state’s vaping industry. On May 1, he plans to open his third vape shop in the Oklahoma City area, and he also serves as chairman of the state industry lobbying group, the Oklahoma Vapor Advocacy League. He welcomes regulations like outlawing sales to minors. But others worry him, like product regulation, which he fears could subject even small vape shops that make their own products and mix their own liquids to federal oversight. That might be costly to the shops, which he views as the right-spirited pioneers of the e-cigarette boom.
He also opposes state action to raise taxes, limit marketing or ban vaping indoors. More rules, he fears, would work only to benefit deep-pocketed tobacco companies that have also entered the $2 billion e-cigarette industry. Regulation, he said, will take “a product that has the potential to save thousands of lives and give it back to the industry that’s killing people.”
Most galling to him are rules that prohibit e-cigarette makers from claiming, without providing scientific evidence, that their products are safer than cigarettes. “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out these products are much safer than cancer sticks,” he said. While health officials drag their feet, Mr. Gore asked, “How many more people have to die?”
Pineapple or Caribbean Peach?
Mr. Gore has dull blue eyes, a bull rider’s thrice-broken jaw and a painfully apt last name. “Once, I got a horn in my eye,” he said as he steered his Ford 150 pickup north on Interstate 235.
At arm’s reach in the truck’s center console were his three regular vaping devices, which he described as a Kanger Pro II with a 2.4-ohm coil atomizer and 2,900-milliamp battery and Caribbean-peach flavored nicotine; a Copper Nemesis; and the LA Edition Sentinel, with a 22-millimeter drip tip.
“It’s the Lamborghini,” he said.
Mr. Gore decided to try e-cigarettes about a year and a half ago, after judging a bull-riding event. “I had a patch on my back, a dip in my lip, a chew in my cheek,” he said. “I was smoking a cigarette and chewing nicotine gum, and I said: ‘Something’s not working.’ ” He grew up on a ranch and had been chewing tobacco since he was 5 years old.
Oklahoma is big smoking country. Two years ago, 23.3 percent of the adults were smokers, one of the higher rates in the nation — only 11 states were worse. Nonetheless, that’s a sharp improvement from 2011, when smokers accounted for 26.1 percent of the adult population and only three states had higher percentages.
Current and former state health officials say smoking rates have been moving lower since 2001, when the figure was 28.7 percent. They say it reflects education efforts, increases in cigarette taxes and indoor smoking bans. The per capita annual consumption of cigarettes in the state has fallen to 67.2 packs in 2013 from 108 in 2001.
But Mr. Gore asserted that state officials simply won’t acknowledge what he sees as the clear reason behind Oklahoma’s improvement relative to other states.
“All of a sudden it just happens in one quick swoop about the time e-cigarettes come into the market,” he said. “This is the largest step forward in tobacco harm reduction in last 50 years.” He added: “It’s hard to ignore.”
Given the short history of e-cigarettes, it’s not clear how well they work as a way to quit smoking in the long term. But there is anecdotal evidence. A novel study of 215 vape shop customers in Oklahoma found that 64 percent of them had completely quit cigarettes, something verified through Breathalyzer tests that measured carbon monoxide, which is present in smokers.
“It’s incorrect to say it hasn’t been a cessation tool,” said the study’s lead researcher, Theodore L. Wagener, a psychologist who is co-director of the Oklahoma Tobacco Research Center and an assistant professor at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. “It’s working for some people.”
But he doesn’t know if his sample was representative of the population. “We don’t know if those are just the cream of the crop,” he said.
What makes Dr. Wagener hopeful is how impassioned people can become about vaping. People actually like e-cigarettes — especially compared with, say, nicotine gum or other nicotine replacement therapies. “You don’t see a lot of N.R.T. stores opening up,” Dr. Wagener said.
He views Mr. Gore as a growing force in spreading the word. “Sean is the de facto leader,” Dr. Wagener said, one with a strong personality. When Mr. Gore gave him permission to do research at his stores, Dr. Wagener said, he received a call warning that Mr. Gore had a troubled past, including methamphetamine addiction, which led to several convictions for drug possession, as well as a conviction for second-degree burglary. Still, Dr. Wagener said, “I actually like Sean.”
Mr. Gore said he put that ugly part of his life behind him after a near-fatal car accident when he was high. He has since found religion, he said, and a sense of mission. “God needs experienced workers,” he said of his e-cigarette advocacy. “If I can help one person come out of that hole, then it’s all been worth it.”
He pulled his Ford into a strip mall in Edmond, a suburb of Oklahoma City. Get Vaped, his shop, is in a corner spot, next to a parcel-shipping store. It replaced a gold-buying business.
Inside are display cases with the latest vaping gear. On the wall are menus of dozens of flavors, organized into categories: Tobacco (cigar, Pall Mall, Marlboro); Fruit Pantry (pineapple, dragon fruit); Sweet Tooth (cinnamon coffee cake); Novelty (bacon). In the back of Get Vaped, an employee — wearing gloves — mixes the flavoring with solvents and the desired concentration of nicotine, ranging from zero to 3.6 percent. A 10-milliliter bottle goes for $6.99 and 30 milliliters for $13.99.
“I really like orange,” said Laura Petersen, 42, one of a handful of customers on a slow Monday morning in March. She described her happiness at giving up a two-decade, two-pack-a-day habit and being able to vape at her desk, in the car, in restaurants. It’s convenient, she said, not having to go outside and brave the elements.
She has cut back to just a few irresistible cigarettes when she first wakes up.
Mr. Gore sympathized and offered counsel. “Here’s what I did: I put it on my night stand,” he said, referring to his e-cigarette. “Do that. If you take two or three puffs when you first get up, I promise you: The urge will go away.”
As Mr. Gore rang up her orange-flavored e-juice, he suggested that she get involved politically to help vapers shape policy and prevent a state tax on the devices. His group includes 17 stores and has hired a lobbyist to push an agenda to protect the industry from cigarettelike regulations. He doesn’t want indoor smoking bans. “What’s the point?” he asked. “If there was risk to human health, I could see it, but since there’s not, there’s really no need for it.” Trouble is, health officials warn that e-cigarette vapor could be harmful to children and developing fetuses. Mr. Gore also objects to an excise tax, which he said would raise prices and hurt demand.
“You wouldn’t put a tax on Weight Watchers health food,” he said to Ms. Petersen. She agreed that the idea seemed nuts.
In early April, at a hearing of the Appropriations and Budget Committee of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, a Republican member named Pat Ownbey was close to losing his temper. The hearing was about legislation that, at least on its face, would forbid the state tax commission from levying an excise tax on e-cigarettes.
But Mr. Ownbey, 60, a businessman who owns rental properties, saw the legislation as a stealth method for legally defining e-cigarettes as “vapor products” and not “tobacco products.”
That difference in wording is significant. A “tobacco product” suggests the possibility of government regulation, because tobacco products are already regulated. A “vapor product” is a whole new category.
Exasperation creeping into his voice, Mr. Ownbey argued to his fellow committee members that nicotine is derived from tobacco and is thus, quite obviously, a tobacco product. (This is, in fact, what gives the F.D.A. its authority.) He said he had been incredulous to hear supporters of “vapor product” language argue that nicotine isn’t a tobacco product because it can be derived from eggplants.
It’s ridiculous, Mr. Ownbey argued, given that it takes “something like 20 eggplants” to make enough nicotine for a single cigarette.
Legislators are having similar discussions. Already, 33 state legislatures have passed laws prohibiting e-cigarette sale to minors, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. The new F.D.A. regulations would extend that ban to all 50 states. But the rules are not yet approved and would not, as of yet, override state laws, according to the conference. In the meantime, those state laws include other provisions — including varying definitions of e-cigarettes, according to an analysis by Doug Matheny, retired chief of the Tobacco Use Prevention Service in Oklahoma, who now tracks tobacco industry lobbying at tobaccomoney.com.
In state laws preventing youth access, his analysis shows, five states — Alaska, Kentucky, Vermont, Wisconsin and Virginia — say explicitly that e-cigarettes are not tobacco products, at least 18 states define e-cigarettes as belonging to a nontobacco category without explicitly saying that they aren’t tobacco-related, and 10 states have deemed them tobacco products.
States can be expected to wrestle with questions about where e-cigarettes can be consumed, how they will be marketed and taxed, said Terry L. Cline, Oklahoma’s commissioner of health. “It’s the same debate we had with tobacco, but this one is complicated by not yet having the science, both about the benefits and risks,” he said. He added that he “would be ecstatic if this product ends up being proven to be a tobacco-cessation product,” but the evidence isn’t here yet.
Dr. Cline praised the F.D.A. for proposing disclosure of ingredients in products and requiring manufacturing standards. “What could not be allowed to continue is the risk of unregulated products being mixed in kitchens and back rooms without any oversight,” he said. “It’s a disaster waiting to happen.”
On the question of how to categorize e-cigarettes, Mr. Ownbey said he would explore deeming them “smoking cessation” therapies, like nicotine gum. E-cigarette companies strongly resist this idea because it would mean conducting expensive research to prove that the product does what they imply it does. So e-cigarette companies avoid using the term “cessation” and instead say e-cigarettes are great for “harm reduction.”
The logic infuriates Mr. Ownbey. “They don’t want it to be a cessation product, but that’s all I hear,” he said.
For his part, Mr. Gore noted that language could have a surprising emotional force. The question of what to call these products — vapor, tobacco, cessation therapies — means something beyond the words themselves. “The categorization is a huge thing for us,” he said. “We consider ourselves nonsmokers and nontobacco users. That’s huge for us. We’ve made a huge step.”
In the end, Mr. Ownbey carried the day. But the bill to ban an excise tax was just a skirmish. Shortly after, both houses of the Oklahoma Legislature passed by wide margins another bill, which prohibited sales of e-cigarettes to minors. The legislation defined e-cigarettes as “vapor products.” (But it stopped short of saying they weren’t tobacco products.)
Still, this troubled several major health groups, including the local chapters of the American Lung Association and the American Heart Association, which urged Governor Fallin to veto the bill. The American Cancer Society wrote: “A separate definition can create a risk of e-cigarettes being exempted from other tobacco control laws, including smoke-free laws.”
In the end, Governor Fallin signed the law; better to have something in place that protects youth, Dr. Cline said, even if it is imperfect.
An Uneasy Alliance
Mr. Gore doesn’t have the full support of the vaping world. In fact, some shop owners take issue with his views and what they characterize as his bulldog style.
Among his detractors are John and Stephanie Durst, whose OKC Vapes is one of the most popular vape shops in Oklahoma City.
The Dursts have come a long way since 2011, when Ms. Durst was working at Panera Bread and started vaping in place of smoking. She was saving a lot of money — she and her husband had been spending as much as $225 a month on cigarettes — but she was carrying around a handful of cruder, early e-cigarette devices and thought that there had to be a better way.
She started contacting flavor and nicotine manufacturers in China, ordering online, mixing her own e-juice — green apple, blueberry, strawberry — and selling it.
By June 2011, Ms. Durst was handing out business cards at bars and advertising e-cigarettes on Craigslist. Five to eight cars a night would come by their house. “It got to the point we had tell our neighbors: ‘We know it looks like we’re dealers but we’re trying to run a business out of our home,’ ” Mr. Durst said.
The Dursts now own four vaping stores and expect total sales this year to exceed $4 million.
The Dursts want vaping to succeed, and they think it can, even with regulation. Unlike Mr. Gore, they’re fine with vaping bans in public parks and even in restaurants. They also favor licensing and health inspections of people making e-liquids.
“I can’t preach that enough,” Mr. Durst said in a phone interview.
“Tobacco self-regulated themselves into rich bank accounts and killed a lot of people,” Mr. Durst continued. “Let’s not screw up with e-cigs.”
A year ago, tobacco companies, which own several e-cigarette brands, supported state legislation that would have required e-cigarettes to be sold through licensed and regulated wholesale systems. They are systems that Big Tobacco already has in place, so the rule would have given those companies a huge advantage over upstarts, according to Mr. Matheny of tobaccomoney.com.
“For all intents and purposes, it would’ve put the mom-and-pop vape shops out of business,” Mr. Matheny said, because they didn’t have those expensive systems. A groundswell from vape shop owners, including Mr. Gore, helped kill the legislation.
Now, however, Mr. Gore’s group has formed an alliance with Big Tobacco, which was involved in crafting the bill prohibiting youth access to e-cigarettes and the one on excise taxes that Mr. Ownbey opposed. Several lobbyists for the tobacco industry declined to comment for this article.
Mr. Gore finds his loose alliance with Big Tobacco to be useful for now, but also unnerving, given the companies’ financial muscle — and the threat they could pose to vape shops.
“They’re getting into the e-cig industry,” he said. “We can’t stop them.”
He contends that they are profiteers who don’t care about people’s health. He sees Oklahoma’s mom-and-pop shops differently. They are run by the victims of cigarette companies, he said, who have found an antidote to the ill effects of tobacco — and who just might see their own payday in the process.
“We’re in it to make a buck and raise our families as well,” he said. “Who’s not?” But he said he had a different long-term aim: getting people to quit cigarettes, then to reduce their nicotine levels on e-cigarettes until they are free forever of addiction.
“If we work our way out of a job,” he said, “I don’t have a problem with that.”

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