Graphic images, plain packaging on agenda in bid to combat growing obesity problem

Sharnee Rawson
July 16, 2013
The Courier-Mail

GRAPHIC images and plain packaging for junk food may be forced on consumers, as food industry heavyweights debate tough measures to combat obesity.

A panel of food science, nutrition and manufacturing experts will tackle whether tobacco’s plain packaging approach would help curb the country’s growing obesity epidemic at the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology convention today.

This follows February’s call from Queensland’s chief health officer Jeannette Young to examine the option.
Institute president Anne Astin said junk food regulation was a “thorny issue of the future” that needs to be addressed urgently.

“If our health system can’t cope with the increasing incidence of lifestyle-related diseases, it’s something we will have to consider as an option. The levels of intervention need to become stronger. Ultimately, it may come to plain packaging.”

Dr Astin said the institute did not have an official position on junk food labelling, but hoped the discussion panel would stimulate debate.

“There has to be a multi-faceted approach, and the problem can’t be fixed by regulation only – there needs to be enormous emphasis placed on education, and part of that is having information on food packages,” she said.

“We’re entering an entirely different space in terms of food science and technology, and it’s greatly linked to nutrition. The food industry will be critical in contributing to consumer change and behaviours.”

Changes to junk food packaging and regulations are a hot topic worldwide, as New York City’s ban on 16-ounce (473ml) soft drinks was introduced, overturned and now continues through the courts.

In New Zealand, Otago University professor of marketing Janet Hoek said tobacco use had halved after the country introduced plain packaging.

She called on the NZ Government to do the same for junk food, telling the New Zealand Herald “it makes sense to examine the potential these policies could have in reducing consumption of foods associated with obesity”.

In February, Queensland Health Minister Lawrence Springborg told The Courier-Mail he was “anti-nanny state”, but in relation to food regulation “there are some things where government cannot dismiss stepping in, and this is one of those”.

A spokesperson for Mr Springborg said yesterday initiatives including an $8 million anti-obesity campaign had been implemented since February, and that his office would not consider other changes in the short term.
The Federal Government will not consider the changes any time soon, either, according to a spokesperson for Health Minister Tanya Plibersek.

Dietitians Associations of Australia spokesman Alan Barclay said plain packaging would be “extreme” and may lead to eating disorders.

”Treating foods like poison sets people up for disordered eating, and we shouldn’t be treating food as good or bad. The definition of junk food is problematic – we all know what it means, but how would you pin it down?”

Leigh Elliott, mother of two, said she saw benefits of plain packaging but doubted it would make a huge difference to her family’s habits.

”If there was a graphic warning, it might act as a deterrent for kids because they take things so literally, but it’s really up to the parents to say no. As for adults – we should be old enough to make our own decisions.”

She said at the supermarket, her children may be less inclined to notice plain packaging, but she tends to do most of her grocery shopping online now.

”If I was buying it online, packaging would make little to no difference, because I search out and seek each product.”

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