A fantastic turnout attended the recent Australian Association of Convenience Stores (AACS) Women in Convenience Breakfasts in Sydney and Melbourne.

At the Sydney event, Michelle Rushton (GAICD) Co-Founder and Director of People of Influence, had the room captivated for her entire keynote outlining The Smiling Ox Paradox and the science of becoming the person others are compelled to follow.

Rushton’s learnings proved valuable for everyone that attended, in both their business and personal life, helping them find ways to elevate their executive presence and influence.

Ashley Whitehead from EQ Minds spoke to the Melbourne audience on finding balance, sharing simple steps to reduce stress, cultivate resilience and restore harmony along with how to prioritise their mental and physical wellbeing.

The audience took away useful tips everyone can easily practice.

Theo Foukkare, CEO of AACS, thanked both attendees and their sponsors UCB Stores and Patties Food Group.

“We will continue to bring Women in Convenience events.

They create a platform for networking, inspiration, and discussion on the evolving role of diversity and inclusion in the industry.”

The final round in the Women in Convenience Breakfast series will wrap up on Tuesday, 17 September, in Brisbane, featuring a panel of industry leaders including Corinne Barclay, CMA; Julia Fahey, Metcash; and Jo Watters from Chevron.

The panel, led by Foukkare, will highlight the achievements, challenges, and contributions of women in the industry.

View article source here.

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