consumer choice and balance

The AACS are working at the frontline to lead a range of initiatives concerning tobacco and nicotine, alcohol, sugar and general health in order to optimise consumer choice and balance.

Leading the way for easy accessibility to less harmful nicotine containing alternatives.

Ensuring the competitive landscape is equal and supports the recovery of small business within Australia.

Supporting evidence-based regulation that is proportionate to the associated risk and maintaining consumer choice.

tobacco & nicotine

As e-cigarettes are now considered a cessation device to help consumers quit, by default they now fall within the same category of Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRTs) which captures Gums, patches, inhalers etc. Like e-cigarettes from 1 October 2021, these products started as prescription only in the early 1990’s and after retail lobbying, became over the counter products only a few years later.

The AACS passionately believes that a more considered consumer purchasing model should be implemented that incorporates easy accessibility to less harmful nicotine containing alternatives for adult smokers, who wish to quit traditional tobacco products.

By regulating the supply chain and reducing consumer accessibility, also invites the risk of an increase of an un-regulated market that contravenes harm reduction efforts within our community.


Currently the packaged alcohol market is worth $17b in Australia.

The convenience channel is mature in its ability to manage the compliance of selling age restricted products, having sold tobacco as part of their consumer offer for decades. Based on the deregulation of the state-based Liquor laws that surround packaged alcohol, it will create numerous Jobs across the sector and throughout the supply chain. Additionally, it will accelerate the recovery of small business, where 60% of petrol & convenience outlets are owner operated and assist in the federal government’s small business objective of “getting the engine room of the economy running again”.

In 2017 the ACCC recommended that it is “anti-competitive” not to warrant the service stations & convenience stores licenses to compete in the packaged alcohol market and this is becoming more relevant as alcohol transforms into a convenience offer, as seen with the explosion of availability through online ordering, home delivery & direct to boot services.

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With like minded countries such as the UK tackling population obesity via the implementation of a regulatory landscape for products containing high sugar content, including the marketing, position, packaging, tax regime and promotion of sugar containing products within the market. It may give additional weight for health advocates in Australia to continue to push for further regulation to be applied to manufactures, retailers and in turn effecting consumer choice.

AACS acknowledges and supports population health objectives. AACS also supports, evidence-based regulation that is proportionate to the associated risk and maintaining consumer choice.



We represent our members in matters most pressing to the industry and strongly lobby for government reforms. With various tiers of membership, there is a level of support suitable for every business size.