Health experts call for restrictions on energy drinks

Karen Collier
October 25, 2012
Herald Sun

HEALTH experts are increasing calls for energy drink restrictions after revelations five deaths are being investigated overseas.

The Australian Medical Association wants supermarkets and convenience stores to be banned from selling the caffeine-charged drinks to minors.

Retailers would face fines for underage sales in a similar way to alcohol and cigarettes.

The US Food and Drug Administration is investigating reports of the deaths and a heart attack for possible links to consumption of Monster Energy drinks, which are marketed as a “killer energy brew”.

However, the regulator stressed that adverse reports were not proof that particular products or ingredients were to blame.

AMA president Dr Steve Hambleton said people who overdosed on energy drinks risked health problems including heart palpitations, nausea, headaches, stomach upsets and in some cases psychiatric disturbances.

A national review of caffeine in foods should also seriously consider limiting caffeine content in energy drinks to the same amount as cola, he said.

“The marketing is very powerful – they almost dare you to drink them,” he said.

Australian Beverages Council chief Geoff Parker said Australian regulations capped caffeine at 320 mg per litre.

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