Sue Mitchell
October 1 2018
Food and grocery suppliers seeking price rises to cover rising costs are being forced to reinvest the gains by funding retailers’ promotions, triggering renewed calls for an independent adjudicator to arbitrate across the $127 billion sector.
Australian Food & Grocery Council chief executive Tanya Barden says suppliers are facing increasing margin pressure from the drought, rising energy and transport costs, and regulatory changes including container deposit schemes and labelling changes.
But Woolworths and Coles remain reluctant to raise retail prices and in some cases are demanding that when price rises are granted suppliers reinvest as much as 100 per cent of the increase in “trade spend”, including funding short-term promotional discounts of dubious value to the supplier.
Suppliers are also being asked to shift products to everyday low-value pricing or to show their “support” by helping retailers meet profit margins, even though the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct was supposed to stamp out this behaviour.
Ms Barden said these practices underline the need for an independent grocery industry-wide adjudicator capable of investigating these issues, arbitrating disputes and making binding decisions.
Former Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairman Graeme Samuel, in his draft report on a review of the Code of Conduct, recommended the major retailers appoint independent adjudicators – funded by and embedded in each major retailer – to resolve disputes with suppliers.
Absorb rising costs
However, Ms Barden said the AFGC did not believe the draft recommendation went far enough.
“We are keen to see a truly independent adjudicator who sits across the market rather than individual adjudicators who would sit within retailers,” Ms Barden told The Australian Financial Review.
“There’s a real fear people have about taking complaints and concerns to someone funded by or an employee of the retailer,” Ms Barden said.
“We’d like to see one body to sit across the market that can not only arbitrate disputes at an elevated level but be able to investigate when there’s certain behaviours or concerns across the market.”
The AFGC has also called on the major retailers to absorb rising costs within their own margins – which remain higher than their global peers despite falling significantly over the last three years – rather than forcing suppliers to take the hit or raising shelf prices and passing the burden on to consumers.
“The retailers are very keen to maintain their profit margins and it’s often at the expense of suppliers,” Ms Barden said.
“A lot of behaviour we see in the market is about the retailers being able to reduce their risk, shift that on to the suppliers and the supplier reducing their margin, so it transfers benefit over to the retailer.”
Ms Barden said the code of conduct had reduced “the worst forms of behaviour” in the industry and led to improved transparency and good-faith dealings between retailers and suppliers, but needed to be strengthened.
The code was introduced in 2015 in response to complaints about Coles’ and Woolworths’ treatment of suppliers, including allegations of unconscionable conduct and misuse of market power, which ultimately led to the ACCC taking both retailers to court.
Mr Samuel was appointed by the government in March to review the operation of the code and lodged his final report in early September. New assistant treasurer Stuart Robert is expected to hand down his response later this year.
Fair dealings
In his draft report in late June, Mr Samuel made three main recommendations: that a new fair dealings provision replace good-faith provisions; that retailers replace internal compliance managers with independent adjudicators to address suppliers’ fear of retribution when they make complaints; and that all significant retailers and wholesalers should sign the voluntary code of conduct or face a mandatory code.
The ACCC, in its submission, went several steps further, recommending the code become mandatory for all players, removing the ability of retailers and wholesalers to opt out of some provisions, and the introduction of civil penalties and infringement notices for breaches and failure to comply.
Coles’, Woolworths’ and Metcash’s submissions are confidential but it is understood the retailers have concerns about a fair dealings provision, which may prove hard to define in practice, and the appointment of independent adjudicators.
The AFGC fears the code review process will stall amid ongoing political uncertainty and the federal election next year.
“This is a challenging time for the sector and we’re keen to see it progress quickly,” Ms Barden said.
Coles and Woolworths declined to comment on Ms Barden’s allegations.
“Coles has worked hard to embed a culture of fair dealing with our suppliers,” a spokesman said. “We look forward to seeing the final report on the grocery code review.”
“Strong and positive relationships are critical for us to meet the needs of our customers,” a Woolworths spokesman said. “We work collaboratively with our suppliers to find ways to minimise the impact rising costs are having on our mutual customers.”
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