Want to save money on your payments?

Choose the lower cost network for each transaction.
Contact your terminal provider to get Least Cost Routing
Least Cost Routing enables you, the merchant, to choose the network that provides the best economic outcome on contactless transactions from dual network debit cards. This means cost savings, when you choose the most cost effective network.
Click here to find out how to change
No Downsides

  • Saves you money
  • Transaction security is not compromised
  • Least Cost Routing has been tried and tested overseas & on thousands of Australian transactions
  • Chargebacks are available
  • Consumers can still dock their cards and select their preferred network

Debit cards represent almost 70% of all transactions in Australia, or around 6 billion transactions a year and growing quickly.
Least Cost Routing can help you save on these transaction.
Contact us to learn how you can save on your merchant fees today!
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