Metro Petroleum Announcement

Metro Fuels has engaged the services of Stock Box to provide a Metro branded product discovery program for its members.

Product samples from a selected range of trade partners will be sent to every Metro Zone member for their initial trial and feedback. 

Results from the members feedback will help Metro Head Office determine which new products will be suitable for their consideration.

The program will run every quarter commencing in August, and provides potential product partners with the opportunity to get their products front and centre with all Metro site operators. 

“We see this unique product discovery program as a fundamental step in providing a greater level of service and support to our membership, and offer potential product partners a greater level of member buy-in” Andrew Sylvester Buying Group Manager

New product ranging will only occur after members have given their feedback, and a determination has been made by Metro Head Office in relation to final terms negotiations.

The process will fast track product discovery and introduction, as results will be in the hands of the Metro team within 4 weeks of distribution. 

Stock Box will require each product partner to pay a small service fee, plus product sample costs to participate in the program. 

For further information on how you can engage in our next Metro Discovery Box program please contact:

Andrew Sylvester

0404 753 753  

Or feel free to contact.

Craig Matthews

0407 467 670

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