Giselle Roux
May 8, 2017
Great ideas and innovations are not necessarily great investments. Irrational exuberance can lead to overvaluations, new participants are attracted to new sectors, competing away most of the returns and intellectual property is easily replicated in new forms.
On the other hand, those with desirable imbedded systems and where one, or a few companies, create a monopoly-like structure can be long-term winners.
A host of industries face a potential massive disruption to their structure, as do the stocks within those sectors. Two that are attracting attention are the car industry, with little to no representation on the S&P/ASX 200 benchmark, and retailing, which has a more substantial weighting in the local index.
The auto and retailing industries also represent the opposite ends of the consumer risk spectrum. Cars tend to be a discretionary purchase, while much of retail is not.
Autonomous vehicles
The consensus is that autonomous vehicles are likely to be reality in years, not decades, with the debate only on the degree of autonomy. The use of cars as a service, rather than through ownership (think Uber) is even closer. Some argue it is already here. Add these two dimensions together, and the impact is enormous.
Cars are expensive assets that spend most of their time inactive – the average car is used 5 per cent of the time. If a household can avoid ownership, running costs, maintenance and insurance, it leaves the potential for a boost to disposable income. The Australian CPI weight for “private motoring” is 10.8 per cent, representing household spending on buying and sustaining car ownership.
Consider other implications of low car ownership. What happens to car parks and other road infrastructure if few cars sit unattended in the working day? What about the data a car collects as it moves along, given estimates that an autonomous car can be used for about 60 per cent of the time?
To be fair, few suggest that a fully autonomous car is imminent, although industrial fleets and highway trucks are much more likely. But for car sharing, the only question is how big it becomes and over what time frame. Even then, the impact will not be even-handed. The expected impact on SUVs and higher priced prestige cars is judged to be lower than the small to mid-sized runarounds.
Global equity managers aware of these trends, be it to keep a careful eye on traditional original equipment manufacturers, which, in turn, are themselves investing in ride sharing and technology start-ups.
The most obvious area for investment is the technology, that is now imbedded in every car. Here, the landscape requires a high degree of judgment. Features such as idle start/stop, advanced driver assistance systems and auto emergency braking are expected to become widespread, while sensors such as cameras, light detection and radar and semiconductors will grow rapidly for any level of autonomous driving.
Another outcome is the data that will come from these cars, both for driving use – weather, road conditions, real time parking spaces – plus whatever the customer uses and becomes a marketing channel. It is no surprise to see Google, Samsung and Apple all expressing an active interest in auto.
Expect a sprinkling of stocks in a global fund that lean on this overall thesis, but don’t necessarily expect to recognise the company. There is unlikely to be a large-scale winner that dominates.
Retail shake-up
The other sector facing massive disruption is retailing, already part way through a major transformation. There is a frenzy of reports suggesting Amazon can consume all. So far, at least for a US investor, the evidence is stark, with the share of some of the traditional department stores, such as JC Penney and Macy’s, down by more than 50 per cent over the past 10 years.
The food retail sector is now in the headlights as Amazon is making a concerted effort to gain share. For a fund manager, the question is whether to back Amazon, acknowledging it won’t show profits for some time in this sector, or to assess which large retail chains may be less vulnerable.
A secondary issue is the potential impact on suppliers of consumer staples and the change in the relationship between a store-facing customer and online customers. Another issue is the challenge for retail real estate. It possibly becomes a redundant concept. Imagine a world where there is no need to shop for goods; retail therapy becomes the domain of baristas, hairdressers, eateries and showcase stores, where goods can be sampled and ordered.
While the car industry is globalised, retail, has long been considered a domestic activity. But that might no longer be the case. Arguably investors would want an Amazon or equivalent company in an equity portfolio to offset the risk that local retailers mismanage the competition they are likely to face.
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